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  • Whitney Webb on the post Brexit/Trump effort to control information


    • What will convince me is when you stop cutting and pasting Maga crap from alt right websites... Actually admit Maga was responsible for Jan 6th... Admit Trump lost... and stop pulling crap out of your ass like on how Biden would assassinate Zelenskyy if he tried to make peace and other such MADE UP CRAP.
      What I'm saying is... if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • what alt right websites? I've admitted Ray Epps and his friends are responsible for Jan 6 but I'm not sure they're MAGA. I've said Trump lost and I've said the election was rigged and it was, the FBI/CIA/DOD and various federal and state agencies spied on/and/or censored Biden's political opponents to protect him and hurt Trump. That is election rigging. I dont know if Biden would have Zelensky killed, I think the Nazis would do it first. But Joe would back the assassins just like he backed the Nazis that slaughtered Ukrainian protesters to overthrow the democratically elected leader and provoke a war with Russia.


        • You don't blame Trump for Jan 6th... instead you embrace wild ass alt right conspiracy theories... NO ACTUAL PROOF.
          You claim the election was rigged... more alt right conspiracy theories... NO ACTUAL PROOF
          You blame Biden is responsible for a war where in reality, Putin invaded a country AGAIN, in yet another land grab. And the people you "claim" he was protecting are the exact same people his troops raped and killed. But yet again, Putin is the Hero in your "story"
          It's nice to see you stepping back from the insane conspiracy that Biden would have Zelensky assisanted.. but you where the one that repeated that alt right conspiracy theory in the first place and indicating that it was a fact and not just some made up "theory"
          You rarely attack Trump, the closest thing we have to a Facist in this country, yet you are anti Nazi.
          And by continuing to utter Alt right conspiracy theories and childish nick names that MAGA uses, like Brandon...

          If it walks and quacks like a duck.....

          Please let us know when you can actually prove the stuff you post like it's facts.
          We are still waiting.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • pchang
            pchang commented
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            Well, the latest Russian school books say that Trump’s last election was rigged against him.

        • Berzerker;n9466491I think the Nazis would do it first.
          ​The only nazis that want to kill him is sited in Moscow.

          ​But Joe would back the assassins
          ​You are simply lying.

          just like he backed the Nazis that slaughtered Ukrainian protesters to overthrow the democratically elected leader and provoke a war with Russia.
          The only Ukranians that have been slaughtered by nazis is people that opposed Putin and his invasion of Ukraine - actually back to 2014.
          With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

          Steven Weinberg


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            Joe armed Azov, he'd back them if they killed Zelensky for wandering off the reservation. You dont really think the people supporting a bloody coup to topple a democratically elected leader care if Nazis kill the new leader for making peace, do you? Why? The Ukrainians killed in 2014 were attacked by the Nazis we supported. When the victims defended themselves the people arming the Nazis accused them of malfeasance. They were 'pro-Russian separatists' or 'little green men', anything but people defending themselves from our Nazis.

          • BlackCat
            BlackCat commented
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            No, Joe has never armored any nazi's and have never had any ideas of killing Zelensky - that is only people like you that has such ideas.There has not been any bloody coup in Ukraine - the ukrainians simply trow out a putin puppet.
            No Ukrainians were killed by nazi's in 2014 except for those killed by russian nazis.
            Little green mens are not some fantasy- they are real russian soldiers.

        • CNN is reporting Toyota has admitted to falsifying safety tests for 30 years, microcars? Not sure if they did that with cars destined for the US market.


          • And that is Politics Why?
            Maybe it was Epps who told them to do it
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Corporations killing people for profit while bribing politicians to protect them sounds political
              Hmm... AG Barr reportedly told Fox owner to censor Judge Napolitano in 2019 for claiming the Democrats spied on Trump

              He was almost fired in 2017 for claiming Obama used British intel to spy on president-elect Trump.

              Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano is standing by his claim, still without evidence, that former President Obama worked with British intelligence officials to spy on Donald Trump.

              CNN Business called his claim false


              • -Jrabbit
                -Jrabbit commented
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                Hi Berz. Quick note: It's 2023, not 2014, 2017 or 2019.

                Also, stop calling media whore Andrew Napolitano "Judge." He has not worked in a courtroom higher than state level (New Jersey Superior Court), and he resigned from that back in 1995. Never worked on the federal level. He's basically a dude with a law degree.

                He was, however, able to parley that into a 24-year career as a legal analyst and conspiracy theory supporter for Fox News, where he has made over 14,500 appearances -- literally more than anyone else.

                Napolitano was let go by Fox a couple years ago, in the traditional manner of white dudes there -- after sexual harrassment allegations from a production assisstant.

              • Berzerker
                Berzerker commented
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                He was a state supreme court judge who was up against Kavanaugh for the SCOTUS seat and he was right about Obama spying on Trump.

              • -Jrabbit
                -Jrabbit commented
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                No. Napolitano was a NJ Superior Court judge -- NOT the state Supreme Court.
                Also, re SCOTUS -- not really. The only evidence that Andrew Napolitano was ever on the short list for SCOTUS is a claim by Napolitano himself.
                Not saying he isn't a bright guy, but really, he's just another Fox News personality with a law degree.

            • From the guy who want's to blame ALL of Jan 6th on some low life Maga moron who was directing traffic. While not blaming the Guy who TOLD everybody to come to Washington to stop the steal.
              You keeping bring up Epps like he is some HUGE RING LEADER while on the other hand saying he was an FBI plant. Both are total nonsense and just part of the crazy conspiracy theories you see in online videos. I notice you haven't blamed it on Trump... what a surprise.

              If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Maine SecyofState has ruled Trump ineligible for the ballot pending the state court's decision. Thats 2-1 now, Colorado and Maine vs Michigan. This is going to be fun watching "Democrats" removing their opponent from ballots.

                I saw the video of Epps, he and a handful of men started the riot


                • Epps did NOT call everybody to Washington...
                  Epps did NOT tell people to march on the Capital
                  Epps was NOT one of the people planning the march
                  Epps was just an enthusiastic​ MAGA member...
                  And he was not a FBI plant like you claimed as a fact.

                  When are you going to actually blame Trump?
                  Oh, that's right...
                  If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    Trump didn't tell people to invade the building, Epps did

                  • Ming
                    Ming commented
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                    No... Trump only told them all to come... Riled them up with lies... told them to march on the capital... Stop the steal
                    Epps was just there, and waved some people into the building... just another Maga Moron.
                    But feel free as usual to defend Trump, and not hold him responsible for something he put together.
                    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

                • Julian Assange is accused by the federal government of illegally obtaining information
                  A federal judge has ruled Mike Pompeo and various players can be sued for illegally obtaining information

                  The CIA is accused of bypassing the 4th Amendment by having contractors take digital data from Assange, his lawyers, journalists, doctors, and visitors. Only a kangaroo court will convict Assange now if it happened.

                  Do you trust these people with our Bill of Rights?


                  • Assange leaked an email from Citigroup to John Podesta with 'suggestions' for Obama's cabinet


                    damn near every one of them got the jobs

                    "Froman’s list proved remarkably prescient. As it proposed, Robert Gates, a Bush holdover, became secretary of Defense; Eric Holder became attorney general; Janet Napolitano, secretary of Homeland Security; Rahm Emanuel, White House chief of staff; Susan Rice, United Nations ambassador; Arne Duncan, secretary of Education; Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services; Peter Orszag, head of the Office of Management and Budget; Eric Shinseki, secretary of Veterans Affairs; and Melody Barnes, chief of the Domestic Policy Council.

                    For the highly sensitive position of secretary of the Treasury, three possibilities were presented: Robert Rubin and Rubin’s close disciples Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner. Obama chose Geithner, then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Geithner, along with Bush Treasury Secretary (and former Goldman Sachs CEO) Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, had played the leading role in organizing the Wall Street bailout."


                    • In the interest of a speedy resolution the DoJ wont proceed with a 2nd trial for Sam Bankman Fried on charges of bribery and illegal campaign donations

                      a bipartisan cheer could be heard in Congress


                      • I see in the Chicago Tribune that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent an airplane full of 355 (!!) migrants to Rockford IL's airport since he needs permission to use O'Hare.
                        And to work around similar limiations in New York, he sent his latest fleet of buses to New Jersey, where 397 migrants were dropped off in at least 4 different cities.

                        I understand that border security is a real issue, but this is clearly abusive, ongoing and political, using actual humans as pawns.

                        Serious question: What is it that prevents Gov. Greg Abbott from being arrested for human trafficking?
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

