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Hunter Biden - Constitutional Hero

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

    So? Are you implying there's a high threshold to get "progressives" or "liberals" to come out of the woodwork?

    For the record I advocate repealing the 2nd amendment and robust gun control. I generally think legal permission to have a gun should be at least as hard to obtain as legal permission to drive a car. I also think there should be well funded buy back campaigns and large taxes on new firearms.
    In today's world with gun violence exploding, this is hard to argue with. I was raised with guns and taught to use them responsibly. I would not ever consider using or even threatening someone with a gun unless my life actually depended on it. I have always supported people's rights to own firearms because it was "normal" for me and most everyone I knew had the same respect and training I did with firearms. I remember several people brought hand guns into high school to show them off to one of the principles who was an enthusiast. It was no big deal.

    Times have changed drastically since then though. Gun violence is threatening our very society. Anyone with half a brain should know how big an issue it is. The Constitution is a living document...we can change it at anytime. The real question is, "How many have to die before we do?".

    I am sure we can have some kind of accommodation for hunters where they have to pass some rigorous review, or make guns available at shooting ranges for people who want to shoot targets. These things can be done.

    The real problem with gun control though is that there is an astronomical number of them out there. If honest people turn theirs in then only the nefarious will have guns then. It would take generations to get the vast majority of guns out of circulation. The sooner we start, the better.

    For faster results, we need to work to change the culture of guns. We need to really work on poverty and mental health. We need to educate people in a different way.

    The problem is much more complex than the second amendment, but that's not a bad place to start.

    As a side note, for those that think your gun helps keep the gub;mint under help now. You live in a very different world than the real one. Those days are LONG gone.
    "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


    • #17
      Wow Plato


      • #18
        The drug war created today's gun culture in much the same way it created 'thug' or gangster culture. The Roaring Twenties roared because of the ban on booze, imagine the culture 60 years of Prohibition would have produced.


        • #19
          Which is a solid reason to repeal most of the drug bans


          • #20
            I have mixed feelings about drug laws. Obviously the ones we have don't work, which is bad. But on the other hand, this is one of the few clear cut cases where the government knows best: drugs are terrible for you, your family, and society. Banning drugs makes way more sense than banning, say, incest, if the law actually worked.


            • #21
              Why. Does. Anyone. Care. About. A. Spoiled. Rich. White. Boy's. Dealings!?!?!?
              I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
              Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
              Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
                Why. Does. Anyone. Care. About. A. Spoiled. Rich. White. Boy's. Dealings!?!?!?
                Most people care about corruption and how corrupt the entire Biden crime family is. Their money laundering shows that as did the laptop from hell which explicitly says how money gained through corruption would be divided up among family members to be held for the big guy.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • -Jrabbit
                  -Jrabbit commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Clearly, the phrase "Most people care" came straight out of your ass.

              • #23
                Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
                Why. Does. Anyone. Care. About. A. Spoiled. Rich. White. Boy's. Dealings!?!?!?
                Hardly anybody does. Everybody should be concerned about who must be covering for him however. Why. Don't. You. Care. About. That?!?!?!


                • #24
                  Why does anyone have to be protecting him? Just having a well funded legal team can scare prosecutors away. Look at Trump and every other rich huckster on the planet for proof...


                  • #25
                    When the DOJ or FBI or whomever sees some evidence of a minor crime and doesn't opt to pursue it, it is most likely they don't feel it's worth their time and effort, not some grand nefarious scheme of powerful corrupt politicians trying to protect crime lords. You are jumping to conclusions without any actual evidence.
                    Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                    1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                    • #26
                      Originally posted by Donegeal View Post
                      When the DOJ or FBI or whomever sees some evidence of a minor crime and doesn't opt to pursue it, it is most likely they don't feel it's worth their time and effort, not some grand nefarious scheme of powerful corrupt politicians trying to protect crime lords. You are jumping to conclusions without any actual evidence.
                      I respect that attitude when I see it consistently applied. Instead I see laughably enormous double standards in that regard. I will add that I see the much broader issue of wealth and power buying defacto legal resistance if not outright defacto legal immunity as a far more serious problem than any partisan Issues.


                      • #27
                        Originally posted by EPW View Post
                        Why does anyone have to be protecting him? Just having a well funded legal team can scare prosecutors away. Look at Trump and every other rich huckster on the planet for proof...
                        I agree that this is true. I disagree that this doesn't deserve constant sunlight and attention and frankly condemnation. The ability to enjoy near legal invulnerability through possession of power or wealth is possibly the greatest injustice in the US political/ legal system.


                        • #28
                          Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
                          Why. Does. Anyone. Care. About. A. Spoiled. Rich. White. Boy's. Dealings!?!?!?
                          I'd like to know if his laptop is in silver or space grey.


                          • #29
                            You are correct that power and wealth giving near criminal immunity is wrong, but you are just completely speculating here and getting frustrated that we're not. Is it possible Biden is pressuring the DOJ or FBI to do nothing? Yes. But similarly to our current understanding of QP, it's possible to run head long into a brick wall and just pass right through. There's evidence, but I'm not going to try.

                            Also the reason the "left" or the "liberal media" made a big deal out of trump pressuring the DOJ and FBI is because there were recordings, videos, memos, and multiple corroborating witnesses. These are substantial. It's not just "there's evidence Hunter did something and the DOJ and FBI aren't investigating so Joe MUST be telling them what to do!". That's the conclusion you're jumping to.
                            Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                            1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                            • #30
                              Originally posted by EPW View Post
                              Why does anyone have to be protecting him? Just having a well funded legal team can scare prosecutors away. Look at Trump and every other rich huckster on the planet for proof...
                              Frankly, because all the corruption and sale of official acts comes back to Joe Biden. This why Dems protect the rest of the Biden money laundering ring. It is all to protect Joe.

                              Sadly, I doubt the Biden's are the only ones and I am willing to bet MOST long term politicians and their families also have such money laundering schemes. Corruption is pretty much endemic to our political system these days. Yes, we should all want to prevent that.
                              Try for discussion and debate.

