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The Media is Propaganda

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  • The Media is Propaganda

    Confidence in newspapers 16%, TV news 11%

    So Axios says:

    Why it matters: The erosion of trust in media is one of the most significant signs of deepening polarization in America.
    lolwut? That aint polarization, thats people largely in agreement the media sucks.

    Television news is today considered the second-least trusted institution in the country, following Congress, according to the poll.
    • While other institutions have also experienced precipitous declines, including banks and the medical system, others — like small business and the military — have held steady over the past few decades.
    Lying about covid and the vaccine will do that

    Just 5% of Republicans said they had "a great deal or quite a lot of confidence" in newspapers, compared to 35% of Democrats.
    • Only 8% of Republicans said they had "a great deal or quite a lot of confidence" in TV news, compared to 20% of Democrats.
    • Independents' views are generally closer to Republicans'.​
    So instead of talking about why 65% of Democrats dont have confidence in the media, the media tries to divide us further by spinning that distrust into 'polarization' thereby proving once again that distrust was earned.

    The lack of trust in traditional news institutions is growing as partisan voices become more accessible online.
    Nah, has nothing to do with media being propagandists for Wall St, the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc

    This message was brought to you by Pfizer

    Politico founding editor and editorial chairman John Harris reminded Smith on stage that "in the old days," a handful of people at a small number of outlets had all the agenda-setting power and they "would’ve all been white men."
    That didn't change... But now they're billionaires​

  • #2
    So many things to unpack there....I will only say two things.

    Treating the Media as one big monolith of MSM is a problem in and of itself. There is a breadth of opinions out there, and variance in journalistic standards. Faith is low because everyone is seen as bad as all the rest. Same for politicians.

    I find I am by and large turned off by US television news, regardless of political hue. FOX is bat**** crazy, and the glee/smugness in the voice of some presenters on the left as they talk about Trump or the right is detracting from the actual story. Instead I prefer to read newsprint - WaPo, NYT, etc. Flip side on UK news, the newsprint / website is asinine in the extreme - Daily Fail on the right just spouting bile, BBC news is barely providing coverage - more a chyron level of information - and the rest aren't better, a lot of in depth study is just missing. Instead I prefer to watch the news - Channel 4, ITV, Sky News are all pretty good at giving balanced news and analysis. The reason for that is probably the OFCOM requirements on TV news to be impartial (no such requirement for print to my knowledge).
    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • #3
      The NYT and Wapo just outed a whistle blower to the FBI


      • N35t0r
        N35t0r commented
        Editing a comment
        LOL no they didn't

    • #4
      "Actually, it set a precedent that if you scheme – without evidence – to publicly accuse dozens of people of crimes then lie about it, perhaps you don’t quite meet the ethical standards we should expect of our leaders." - Laurie Roberts opinion piece in the Arizona Republic

      This was about an Arizonan legislator getting expelled for accusing people of crimes and lying. Will someone please give Laurie a tour of the White House?


      • #5
        Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
        The NYT and Wapo just outed a whistle blower to the FBI
        By 'outed a whistleblower', do you mean that the individual had provided confidential or higher level information to a journalistic organization in the interest of raising public awareness of criminal or ethical misconduct in a way that would be anonymous and proportionate considering the national security implications, and to whom that organization would have a duty of care to their confidential informant considering all applicable laws and obtaining legal advice? Or do you mean an individual who illegally posted a bunch of stuff to a game related discord server in the interests of sharing it with his 'trusted friends', and was uncovered by investigative journalists who reported on it with no whistleblower informant relationship, and under the usual 'freedom of the press' that allows the media to report on criminal matters and release case details such as the names of the involved parties?
        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


        • #6
          The media is propaganda because people have low confidence in the media

          Mission accomplished if you are the CIA/Bilderbergers/shapeshifting Illuminati who want to mindcontrol the masses through media-propaganda
          Last edited by BeBMan; April 16, 2023, 13:04. Reason: yay


          • #7
            "Man who has been propagandized to hate his own country is complaining about propaganda, film at 11."


            • #8
              On the plus side we have the likes of Russia, China, North Korea et al. where confidence in the media is unshaken.


              • #9
                Originally posted by Dauphin View Post
                So many things to unpack there....I will only say two things.

                Treating the Media as one big monolith of MSM is a problem in and of itself. There is a breadth of opinions out there, and variance in journalistic standards. Faith is low because everyone is seen as bad as all the rest. Same for politicians.
                We just spent years watching the government and media censor opinions out there and replace them with propaganda. Faith is low because the internet allows people to bypass the media and find truth in spite of efforts to hide it (and I am talking about the MSM, the people serving corporate government). The politicians have long been the most despised but whatever they touch follows, now they've contaminated institutions that had some trust, like medical and military.


                • #10
                  Originally posted by Dauphin View Post

                  By 'outed a whistleblower', do you mean that the individual had provided confidential or higher level information to a journalistic organization in the interest of raising public awareness of criminal or ethical misconduct in a way that would be anonymous and proportionate considering the national security implications, and to whom that organization would have a duty of care to their confidential informant considering all applicable laws and obtaining legal advice? Or do you mean an individual who illegally posted a bunch of stuff to a game related discord server in the interests of sharing it with his 'trusted friends', and was uncovered by investigative journalists who reported on it with no whistleblower informant relationship, and under the usual 'freedom of the press' that allows the media to report on criminal matters and release case details such as the names of the involved parties?
                  Those journalistic standards you mentioned include protecting whistle blowers, not helping the FBI arrest them. Are you saying journalists have a duty to protect whistle blowers except when they choose a different publisher? I remember the media protecting Col Alexander Vindman and they had no whistle blower informant relationship with him. This guy is a whistle blower and they outed him, thats what I mean.


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by BeBMan View Post
                    The media is propaganda because people have low confidence in the media

                    Mission accomplished if you are the CIA/Bilderbergers/shapeshifting Illuminati who want to mindcontrol the masses through media-propaganda
                    No, the media is propaganda because of how they spun that low confidence - those evil Republicans have polarized the country.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by JohnT View Post
                      "Man who has been propagandized to hate his own country is complaining about propaganda, film at 11."
                      Hate is a strong word, what propaganda led me to be unhappy with the people running the country? Did you hate your own country when Bush/MAGA was in control?


                      • #13
                        Originally posted by BeBMan View Post
                        On the plus side we have the likes of Russia, China, North Korea et al. where confidence in the media is unshaken.
                        The media is propaganda and your response is whatabout them?


                        • #14

                          That evil China is building infrastructure in Africa


                          • #15
                            Most of One belt, one road was not infrastructure in the classical sense. Also it has pretty much been a disaster for Communist China as more then half of the projects were dudes and the lender just defaulted
                            Try for discussion and debate.

