Here we go 
Watched the whole season meanwhile. Overall, it's veeery uneven IMO. A mixed bag of really great scenes and some which are reaaallly bad TV. Worst comment I read on another website went kinda: "hate it, I'm rooting for the Orcs"
Personally I would not go that far
Few points:
1. Started nice, but slow. Veeeeryyyy slooooooow. Does not have to be bad, but created a certain "what the hell is this actually about" feeling. To be fair, the 1st season of GoT was not exactly fast paced, or full of action, but the characters/dialogue etc made up for it easily. Here these were the weaker parts during the early season.
2. Speaking of characters: still somewhwat disappointed here - Galadriel as action heroine is IMO less interesting. Improves towards the later season, but still lacking IMO. Elrond/Durin friendship works for me, as do Harfoots (which everyone, esp. in the Anglosphere seems to dislike tho
). The Stranger works fine for me. Arondir/Bronwyn work for me, but I could do without the kid. Adar did great. Some characters feel miscasted (Isildur and his gang look like they're taken directly from some US Highschool).
3. Story: related to 1 - early on no idea what the story actually is, lots of time wasted on rather un-interesting side-plots (intrigue in Numernor). Improves as well in the 2nd half of the season.
4. Grand visuals. Sometimes CGI overkill (Numernor, putting giant statues everywhere is not much of an imporvement at some point anymore, rather creates an artificial feeling, less is sometimes more).
Early CGI monsters felt generic, just to have something to show in between. Skip the slomo horse-riding next time pls. But overall well-looking, with some really grand things occasionally (Moria entry scene, Mordor), both in action-parts as well as in slower parts.
As said, things get way more interesting towards the later season. Still lots of room to improve. As a new fantasy show I'd probably be less critical, but as something based on Tolkien, and with so much money to spend, it should be much better IMO.

Watched the whole season meanwhile. Overall, it's veeery uneven IMO. A mixed bag of really great scenes and some which are reaaallly bad TV. Worst comment I read on another website went kinda: "hate it, I'm rooting for the Orcs"

1. Started nice, but slow. Veeeeryyyy slooooooow. Does not have to be bad, but created a certain "what the hell is this actually about" feeling. To be fair, the 1st season of GoT was not exactly fast paced, or full of action, but the characters/dialogue etc made up for it easily. Here these were the weaker parts during the early season.
2. Speaking of characters: still somewhwat disappointed here - Galadriel as action heroine is IMO less interesting. Improves towards the later season, but still lacking IMO. Elrond/Durin friendship works for me, as do Harfoots (which everyone, esp. in the Anglosphere seems to dislike tho

3. Story: related to 1 - early on no idea what the story actually is, lots of time wasted on rather un-interesting side-plots (intrigue in Numernor). Improves as well in the 2nd half of the season.
4. Grand visuals. Sometimes CGI overkill (Numernor, putting giant statues everywhere is not much of an imporvement at some point anymore, rather creates an artificial feeling, less is sometimes more).
Early CGI monsters felt generic, just to have something to show in between. Skip the slomo horse-riding next time pls. But overall well-looking, with some really grand things occasionally (Moria entry scene, Mordor), both in action-parts as well as in slower parts.
As said, things get way more interesting towards the later season. Still lots of room to improve. As a new fantasy show I'd probably be less critical, but as something based on Tolkien, and with so much money to spend, it should be much better IMO.