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Life sucks and then you die (but not necessarily)

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  • #16
    it's good to own your own house and have complete free health care just because you're here (not even beause you're greek)

    you autocaically are richer by tens of thoiusands of dollars. depending on the severity of your illness


    • #17
      also I remember me being young and thrasing on the UK or the US for supportinmg dictatorships

      and now Greece has no problem doing business and military alliences with the likes of saudi arabia and egypt


      • #18
        also sweden lifting its arms embargo againt turkey so turkey would let it on NATO

        first come the collapse of morals

        then the collape


        • #19
          actually the US is far more consistent in that

          turkey thinks that the US and Greece are planning to attack her

          or that's what erdogan is selling to his people to try and make them forget of the 83% inflation turkey is going through


          • #20
            I'm prettu sure the average turk just wants kebab with greek yogurt instead of war and the same stands with the greeks so quit busting peoples balls


            • #21
              This is a decent drunk thread.


              • #22
                ,my office wife commented that I am too dark probably because of all that's ahappening but the real reason is I've been sunbathing on the agean untill mid september


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Geronimo View Post
                  This is a decent drunk thread.
                  thanks I am very drunk but have no malice towards anyone


                  • #24
                    there's a girl a bit older than me that we have what she described as a karma crash . that is months can pass by but we always kind of come together

                    it is truely karmic in that there is an inexplicable attraction from me to her (and altough she doesn't say it vice versa)

                    I said I don't know hy but I have a deep undeniable attraction to you, I think you're painstankingly beautiful


                    • #25
                      as the french say le coeur connait des raisons que la raisons ne connaisse pas.

                      heart know of reasons that logic ignores


                      • #26
                        I actually asked my mom and said mom why is that love alnd attraction knows no rules and regulations

                        and she says

                        you think it's lawless and random but it is not

                        it is aboiut how one comports herself, stands, the way she reacts to things

                        you also recognize yourself i her reactions etc


                        • #27
                          also in chinese of you say

                          maa mA Ma ma

                          it means mother scols a horse

                          mao tse tang saves china from imperialism

                          as communism usually does


                          • #28
                            all the craze in greece is korea

                            korean serials k pop KOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA

                            there a woamn divorced at wortk I think she kind of fancies me ( I admire her tenacity and staning up in life) and her teen daugher visited her at wotk. goth like type

                            teeens are so stupid ( we were too) and she says my daughter likes everything korean.

                            I sad I know series the fact that yes sounds the same in both korean and greek and k - pop

                            she seemed midly impressed


                            • #29
                              oh I aslso need to remember the recipte from the asian store

                              korean soju peach and kampari

                              will have to try it


                              • #30
                                but really you have byzantium office

                                and then you have texas borwn bear

                                I'd choose texas bear

