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The not drunk thread

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post

    I was suprised to see how easy it was to quit - ONCE you decide, irrevoquably, that it is a fundamentally stupid thing to do and it only, only causes you harm.

    I had to have a major health scare in order to screw that way of thinking into my brain, but once I did, I gave up smoking in 1 day, for ever. And I smoked 2 packs a day

    Goes to show the power of convictions.
    I gave up smoking.

    I: gave up trying to quit and then I was ready to quit. I threw my last cigarettes in the rubbish bin and never smoked again.

    It is well nigh impossible to give up smoking until you are "ready" and then you can do it.

    It had nothing to do with willpower or health or cost. I was ready and that was all.


    • #47



      • #48
        Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
        I never tried heroine ( ) but I am sure it must be a 100th more severe drug that nicotine.

        Have you actual friends that said that, or did you just parrot what tabaco companies claim?

        Quiting smoking is nothing

        The higher death toll is not a testament to nicotine's more severe addiction than heroine ( ) just that there are other mechanisms at work and that nicotine is way more widespread.
        One of my brother's friends claimed that back when we were teenagers.

        A family member seems to find it easier to quit heroin than meth, but I haven't talked to her about it.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #49
          insetyad of starting a drunk threwd i thougt i would just post. here/. OH! maybe MWHNV is groewing up!!!!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

            One of my brother's friends claimed that back when we were teenagers.

            A family member seems to find it easier to quit heroin than meth, but I haven't talked to her about it.

            Well that's the stupidest thing I've heard. And you heard it from a teenager. How can this be?

            Can't compare heroin to meth sorry.

            I OTOH agree with Egbert and translate his "being ready to quit" with "having understood how useless, and indeed hutful it is.

            The amount of dopamine released by nicotine is nothing compareid with heroin which is nothing compared with some other american drugs I've heard like oxycoton and fentanil that were pushed by their corporations to the wider population for profit.

            Nicotine is not like heroine and more people die from the first simply because more people use it. Not bnecause it is more addictive


            • #51
              Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
              I OTOH agree with Egbert and translate his "being ready to quit" with "having understood how useless, and indeed hutful it is.
              I did not intend "being ready to quit" as having anything to do with understanding how useless and hurtful it is to smoke. One can understand all of that for many years and not be ready to quit. It may have nothing to do with reason or logic.

              I also think that trying to frighten people into quitting by ranting about the harm or the cost may actually make it harder to quit by raising the stress levels of the smoker. Stress him out and he is more likely to reach for a cigarette.


              • #52
                giving up a vice is not easy. you need to do it for yourself. still not easy.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Egbert View Post

                  I did not intend "being ready to quit" as having anything to do with understanding how useless and hurtful it is to smoke. One can understand all of that for many years and not be ready to quit. It may have nothing to do with reason or logic.
                  I think that you have not really understood the harm,. You just think you did. When you actually do, logic dictates that you quit and you quit.

                  IMO it has everything to do with plain logic.

                  I also think that trying to frighten people into quitting by ranting about the harm or the cost may actually make it harder to quit by raising the stress levels of the smoker. Stress him out and he is more likely to reach for a cigarette.
                  I'm always in favor of the truth

                  Malbroro man might even not have died from lung cancer


                  • #54
                    Also harm is just one part of the logicval equation that mathematically leads to quiting.
                    The other is the plain uselessness of the act.

                    Again, when you have really udnerstood it.


                    • #55
                      For example I think I can't quit drinking all together because I have not accepted logically that it is useless.

                      I think that unlike smoking which was a shortlived new world vice with some doped up indians puffing like there was no tomorrow, alcohol is an ancient venerated vice from the dawn of time when dionysus danced with nymphs.

                      Very easy to give up obne, very hard to give up the other.

                      Also the effect that alcohol has is vastly transformative compared to nicotine. And very tangible.

                      I need to shutter these assumptions or else things will not progress


                      • #56
                        I am not drunk. However, I AM enjoying my microdose of psilocybin immensely today.
                        Life and death is a grave matter;
                        all things pass quickly away.
                        Each of you must be completely alert;
                        never neglectful, never indulgent.


                        • #57
                          I am high on life. Also Genshin Impact.
                          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
                            I am high on life.
                            I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                            Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                            Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!

