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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Ukrainian men outside the country are getting notices to return, they might have to flee to Belarus and Russia


    • And all the Russian men are fleeing Russia.
      In other news, Russia is targeting markets and other non combatants. You know, the people they claim they are trying to save. Just more war crimes
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

        ​​​​​​This could go in a few threads

        14 minutes in the guest Larry Johnson says there are pics of Ukrainian Nazis inciting violence on Jan 6

        I heard that Ukrainian Nazis were seen near Abraham Lincoln's balcony just before he was assassinated. :surprise:


        • Uncle Sparky
          Uncle Sparky commented
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          Not to mention John Wilkes Boothniuk.

      • hmm... apparently Zelensky did well with ethnic Russians but didn't get a majority in the Banderite stronghold out west. The reason being he ran on ending the war, the right wing wants the war and the rest of the country wanted to end it. No democracy for you!!! The US funded people behind the 2014 coup, we gave them 'grants' - freedom grants. Well now, that doesn't look suspicious.


        • Berzerker
          Berzerker commented
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          22 min in, Obama adviser Ben Rhodes admitted we funded coup organizers

        • Berzerker
          Berzerker commented
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          35 min in, multiple sources are claiming Russia and Ukraine had a peace deal in early April '22 before Biden opted for war

      • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
        22 min in, Obama adviser Ben Rhodes admitted we funded coup organizers​
        OMG berz. No wonder you can come to all these whacky effed up conclusions. Nowhere does the author of the quoted book ever admit there was a "coup" let alone that "we" "funded the coup". The author plainly says the US funded the "protest organizers". Protestors Berz. You know, the people who were shot at by the snipers that you claim constitute a coup? And you watch videos of people who offer up such quotes as admissions of funding a coup? Really Berz?


        • pchang
          pchang commented
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          When you are in on the Great Conspiracies of the World, you learn to read between the lines!

      • The smartness of Russian propaganda lies:

        A. Ukraine doesn't really exist as a distinct state/people, they are all just some sort of Russians.

        B. Oh and they use biolabs to target Russian DNA...


        • pchang
          pchang commented
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          The smartness lies in their realizing it does not matter what they say, as long as they say something. There will be people who will glom on to anything to help maintain their world view.

      • It would appear that Russia's ambitions are quite grand.
        Ukraine "is only the beginning," Colonel-General Andrey Mordvichev warned in a recent interview.
        “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

        ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


        • Berzerker
          Berzerker commented
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          "Putin launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022"

          Newsweek thinks that was a full scale invasion? The general was talking about eastern Europe which in this context means eastern Ukraine, he said that war will take longer and if it does, Russia will take more of it, not invade Poland or Germany. Looks like a miscommunication, not some admission to conquer Europe.

      • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

        OMG berz. No wonder you can come to all these whacky effed up conclusions. Nowhere does the author of the quoted book ever admit there was a "coup" let alone that "we" "funded the coup". The author plainly says the US funded the "protest organizers". Protestors Berz. You know, the people who were shot at by the snipers that you claim constitute a coup? And you watch videos of people who offer up such quotes as admissions of funding a coup? Really Berz?
        The protest organizers weren't being shot by snipers, they were in charge of security for the buildings where the weapons were stashed and later used by snipers. We have video of them setting up for the massacre with eyewitnesses and at least one of the snipers interviewed by the BBC.


        • Biden pushed Ukraine into launching the counter offensive... The NYT told the world Zelensky is casualty averse

          god help us, ghouls run the country


          • N35t0r
            N35t0r commented
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            So you say that Ukraine doesn't want to liberate their own country. That's a weird take.

          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            No, I say they're getting wiped out and we plan on letting it continue

          • N35t0r
            N35t0r commented
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            The only ones who can decide to end this war are the Russians and the Ukrainians. Unfortunately, the Russians seem convinced that they can outlast western support for Ukraine.

            Ukraine seems decided to not surrender to a country which has a history of forced deportation and genocide against them, which invaded and annexed part of their country less than ten years ago, which has been sending weapons and soldiers to foment an internal war ever since then, before that had been constantly meddling in their internal affairs , to the point of poisoning a former pro-west presidential candidate, and which has ever since the war started been bombing civilian areas almost more than military targets.

            Gee, I can't imagine why popular support for continuing the war among Ukrainians is high.

        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

          The protest organizers weren't being shot by snipers, they were in charge of security for the buildings where the weapons were stashed and later used by snipers. We have video of them setting up for the massacre with eyewitnesses and at least one of the snipers interviewed by the BBC.
          "In charge of security" means what exactly? Maybe protest organizers weren't particularly qualified or focused on building security at the time and maybe a group of snipers might make the same assumption when selecting their staging areas?



          • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

            "In charge of security" means what exactly? Maybe protest organizers weren't particularly qualified or focused on building security at the time and maybe a group of snipers might make the same assumption when selecting their staging areas?

            It means they controlled the buildings where the weapons were kept and used during the massacre. Maybe you dug that hole too deep.


            • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

              It means they controlled the buildings where the weapons were kept and used during the massacre. Maybe you dug that hole too deep.
              "Controlled the buildings" means nothing. The Texas schoolbook depository was not responsible for Oswald right? Why would you assume the buildings abused by the snipers would be buildings that the sniper's handlers (whom it's safe to say would like to remain anonymous) would control the security of? It would seem a lot more prudent to use a third party's building. Preferably a third party suspected of not being focused on security and if the third party was unlikely to be spooked into increasing security in response to the ongoing protests then so much the better.

              Tell me about the hole that I maybe dug too deep.

              Having explained all that I'm still curious about which buildings the protest organizers controlled that were used by the snipers and what your sources were


              • Uncle Sparky
                Uncle Sparky commented
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                Oooo... I never thought of that!
                Berz - Texas school librarians were behind JFK's assassination! Tell the world!!!

            • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

              "Controlled the buildings" means nothing. The Texas schoolbook depository was not responsible for Oswald right? Why would you assume the buildings abused by the snipers would be buildings that the sniper's handlers (whom it's safe to say would like to remain anonymous) would control the security of? It would seem a lot more prudent to use a third party's building. Preferably a third party suspected of not being focused on security and if the third party was unlikely to be spooked into increasing security in response to the ongoing protests then so much the better.

              Tell me about the hole that I maybe dug too deep.

              Having explained all that I'm still curious about which buildings the protest organizers controlled that were used by the snipers and what your sources were
              You didn't watch that YouTube video?

              Also, it's not something that western media reported on, so it must be right. Except for the parts where they did, which are 100% true.
              Indifference is Bliss


              • Berzerker
                Berzerker commented
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                BBC did the story years ago before the new narrative was given to the media. You see, back then western media didn't shy away from identifying Nazis in Ukraine.
                When a news story runs counter to the existing narrative it stands a better chance of being true. For years the partisan media lied about Biden's corruption, so when they finally start telling the truth its because the house of cards is collapsing and its time for Joe to go.

            • Russia’s war in Ukraine synonymous with torture: UN expert

              ​ KYIV (10 September 2023) – Russia’s armed aggression is becoming synonymous with torture and other inhuman cruelty, a UN expert said today.

              “The volume of credible allegations of torture and other inhumane acts that are being perpetrated against civilians and prisoners of war by Russian authorities appears to be unabating,” said Alice Jill Edwards, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. “These grievous acts appear neither random nor incidental, but rather orchestrated as part of a State policy to intimidate, instil fear, punish, or extract information and confessions,” Edwards said in a statement at the end of an official visit to Ukraine.

              The UN torture expert gathered harrowing testimonies involving electric charges being applied to ears and genitals, beatings of all kinds, mock executions at gunpoint, simulated drowning, being required to hold stress positions, threats of rape or death, and various ceremonies of ridicule and humiliation. Returned Ukrainian civilians and soldiers recounted being crowded in basements and cells, in congested conditions, and being poorly fed. Several lost dangerous levels of weight.

              Edwards said these acts would constitute torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, prohibited at all times and in all circumstances under international human rights and humanitarian law.

              “Because the global prohibition of torture reflects our shared aspiration to live in societies free of fear, perpetrators - including at the highest levels - must be brought to justice,” she stressed.

              During the Special Rapporteur’s visit from 4-10 September, she reviewed the procedures and practices of investigation and prosecution of such crimes of torture committed within the context of the armed conflict. According to Ukrainian government figures, over 103,000 war crimes proceedings have been registered so far.

              “A major challenge for the authorities is handling the enormity of the allegations, which has required the upscaling of operations, staffing and skill sets,”, said the Special Rapporteur. “The work that the Ukrainian authorities are undertaking to document war crimes is all the more impressive given that it is being carried out ‘in real time’. That early action is virtually unprecedented anywhere in the world.”

              “The international duty on every country to investigate and prosecute crimes of torture and other inhuman acts is not altered by war or other exceptional circumstances. Yet these circumstances would pose great challenges for any system,” the expert said.

              Edwards was briefed on multiple obstacles to achieving justice for victims. These include the inaccessibility of presently occupied areas, the loss of crucial evidence due to deterioration and lapse of time between the crime and liberation when investigations can begin, and adapting the criminal justice system to be able to process and prosecute international atrocity crimes.

              The Ukrainian government reported having strengthened its system of regional prosecutors by establishing mobile investigation units, has expanded forensic expertise and testing facilities, and is upgrading technology and evidence-gathering techniques.
              During her seven-day visit to Ukraine, the Special Rapporteur also visited different places and facilities and inspected the conditions of treatment of Russian prisoners of war and those accused of conflict-related crimes.

              “I found that sincere efforts have been made by the Ukrainian authorities to treat Russian prisoners of war respectfully. The barrack-style facilities I visited were hygienic and orderly. Prisoners were being well fed, were receiving medical attention for their battlefield injuries, were able to practice their religion and had paid work and recreational facilities,” Edwards said.

              The Special Rapporteur met with senior government officials, members of the Supreme Court, all the services involved in investigating and prosecuting crimes of torture, the Coordination Headquarters on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and National Preventive Mechanism. She had also met with representatives of the diplomatic community, the United Nations, and civil society organisations. She conducted a range of interviews with persons deprived of their liberty, as well as victims and survivors.

              The Special Rapporteur will present a report on the visit to the United Nations Human Rights Council in March 2024.

              Dr. Alice Jill Edwards, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, is part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council's independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent of any government or organisation and serve in their individual capacity.
              “The volume of credible allegations of torture and other inhumane acts that are being perpetrated against civilians and prisoners of war by Russian authorities appears to be unabating,” said Alice Jill Edwards, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. “These grievous acts appear neither random nor incidental, but rather orchestrated as part of a State policy to intimidate, instil fear, punish, or extract information and confessions,” Edwards said in a statement at the end of an official visit to Ukraine.


              • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                "Controlled the buildings" means nothing.
                No, it means they controlled the buildings... cue the illogical analogy, get ready, here it comes

                The Texas schoolbook depository was not responsible for Oswald right? Why would you assume the buildings abused by the snipers would be buildings that the sniper's handlers (whom it's safe to say would like to remain anonymous) would control the security of? It would seem a lot more prudent to use a third party's building. Preferably a third party suspected of not being focused on security and if the third party was unlikely to be spooked into increasing security in response to the ongoing protests then so much the better.

                Tell me about the hole that I maybe dug too deep.

                Having explained all that I'm still curious about which buildings the protest organizers controlled that were used by the snipers and what your sources were
                The hole you've been digging is denying the coup happened, now you're arguing the snipers snuck in without any help from the people in charge of security because Oswald went unnoticed. Your analogies are terrible. He didn't get away, the snipers at Maidan were given an escort. The BBC did a documentary on it, they interviewed one of the snipers and a cameraman had footage of a dozen or so people involved running around setting up for the massacre. Multiple witnesses and studies have shown which buildings were used and confirmed by the sniper they interviewed. The weapons were stashed in a nearby building overnight. Seems kinda important since this is what started the war we're watching today, but Kiev and Washington swept it all under the rug.

                Here's a study by a researcher

                PDF | This study examines evidence revealed by the ongoing trial and government investigations concerning the Maidan massacre in Ukraine. The massacre... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate


                • N35t0r
                  N35t0r commented
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                  They are clearly undercover <s>FBI</s> GRU agents.