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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Blah


    • Berzerker
      Berzerker commented
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      we're not arming them wiki

  • Russia is having an Egg Problem.
    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


    • Interesting discussion of strategy and House Speaker Mike Johnson​'s knowledge of such
      With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

      Steven Weinberg


      • Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
        Russia is having an Egg Problem.
        They also have a Ukraine-shooting-back-problem


        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

          Their ability to interfere is limited... Their interference is the effect, the cause is the Israeli attack on Gaza.
          If you call launching ballistic missiles at ships 'limited', I'm very happy I'm not your neighbor.

          Indifference is Bliss


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            or living in Gaza

        • Several media reports say Russia lost an airborne early warning aircraft and another plane acting as airborne command post. Should this be confirmed it's been another glorious day for the Russian air force.

          Ukraine’s Air Force shot down a Russian A-50 radar plane over the Azov Sea on Sunday evening local time, news outlets RBC Ukraine, Suspilne, and Hromadske reported, citing their own sources.


          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

            Its an attempted blockade but I dont know that it is indiscriminate or if US ships have been attacked (they probably will be soon if not). The blockade is in response to Israel's attack on Gaza. If it succeeds the powers that be may pressure Israel to stop and allow aid in. I call that interference.

            The S African charge of genocide establishes the definition, acts and intent. The acts in Gaza are there for everyone to see, the intent comes from the speeches of Israeli politicians, military, and bureaucrats with big mouths. Your analogy requires us to believe Russians hate ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine as much as Zionists hate Palestinians. I think they hate just about everyone who aint them, that was one of things I liked about zealous Jews - they didn't want to convert the world. How on god's green earth Judaism gave rise to two major religions bent on violently saving the world is another matter.
            My "analogy"?? Berz. OMG. it's called "standards". You know. The kind of thing you're supposed to apply uniformly and without bias? If you regard application of uniform standards as "analogy" to be avoided it's no wonder you have developed such an effed up world view.

            It's also worth noting that given Gaza's birthrate of more than 27 births per 1000 vs Ukraine's birthrate of 9 births per thousand that we could expect the Gazan population at the end of 2023 and 2024 to be substantially higher than in 2022 while the population of Ukraine will be substantially reduced in 2022, less still in 2023 and lower still in 2024. In light of this, which campaign can seriously be construed as genocide?
            Last edited by Geronimo; January 17, 2024, 01:04. Reason: Autocorrect corrected


            • Looks like the second plane, an Il-22, was able to make an emergency landing (no idea in what condition), but seems the A-50 is gone.


              • pchang
                pchang commented
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                Very ironic that a plane designed to provide early warning of all attacks was shot down by a surprise attack.

            • From Putin's own mouth... ""As for this negotiation process, it is an attempt to encourage us to abandon our conquests from the past year and a half,"
              See Berz... even he see's it as a conquest. But feel free to continue to make him your hero. I guess you support conquests.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Originally posted by BeBMan View Post
                Several media reports say Russia lost an airborne early warning aircraft and another plane acting as airborne command post. Should this be confirmed it's been another glorious day for the Russian air force.
                Interestng, a danish officer in some local news mentioned that the Ukrainians had som old soviet AA-system called S-200 with a range of 300 km. It was apparently retired in 2013, but if it was only stockpiled under good conditions, it could be brought back to life. Of course not in it's original design, then the russians would recognize it, but if they have been able to change it's radar signature to say a S-300, the russians might see it and just move out of range of a such - then surprise happened when it continued.
                With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                Steven Weinberg


                • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                  My "analogy"?? Berz. OMG. it's called "standards". You know. The kind of thing you're supposed to apply uniformly and without bias? If you regard application of uniform standards as "analogy" to be avoided it's no wonder you have developed such an effed up world view.

                  It's also worth noting that given Gaza's birthrate of more than 27 births per 1000 vs Ukraine's birthrate of 9 births per thousand that we could expect the Gazan population at the end of 2023 and 2024 to be substantially higher than in 2022 while the population of Ukraine will be substantially reduced in 2022, less still in 2023 and lower still in 2024. In light of this, which campaign can seriously be construed as genocide?
                  Yes, your analogy. You compared the attitudes and motives of Russians toward the people of the Donbas with that of Zionists toward Gazans. Even after nearly a decade of war in the Donbas the number of civilians killed by Russia is small, how many dead in Gaza in 3 months? And its obvious from the Israeli plan of attack they are ethnically cleansing Gaza, the bombing of the north was not meant to kill Hamas, it was designed to end civilization in the north and move people south. Is the birthrate in Gaza still that high?


                  • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                    From Putin's own mouth... ""As for this negotiation process, it is an attempt to encourage us to abandon our conquests from the past year and a half,"
                    See Berz... even he see's it as a conquest. But feel free to continue to make him your hero. I guess you support conquests.
                    They've been taking land from Ukraine... conquests. And? Putin wont be returning the Donbas to Kiev without major concessions and guarantees for the people living there. You know, basically the same deal they were offering years ago and early '22. The people of the Donbas resisting the Nazis are the heroes. The "protesters"... The protesters at war with our Nazis. Straight from Zelensky's mouth in a moment of unbridled honesty. Azov refused to disarm and withdraw because they were fighting protesters.


                    • To Berz... about 7,000 dead Ukrainians is considered small.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                        They've been taking land from Ukraine... conquests. And? Putin wont be returning the Donbas to Kiev without major concessions and guarantees for the people living there. You know, basically the same deal they were offering years ago and early '22. The people of the Donbas resisting the Nazis are the heroes. The "protesters"... The protesters at war with our Nazis. Straight from Zelensky's mouth in a moment of unbridled honesty. Azov refused to disarm and withdraw because they were fighting protesters.
                        Thanks for proving my point. This is a land grab by Putin, pure and simple. His troops keep killing and raping the people you claim he's protecting. He doesn't give a damn about the people, only the territory. Right from Putin's mouth... he's a conqueror. The real heroes are those that are trying to stop this illegal invasion by Putin.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                          To Berz... about 7,000 dead Ukrainians is considered small.
                          Compared to the 20k in Gaza in 3 months, yes. Now do you have a link showing it was Russia who killed those people? That was a civil war between Ukrainians, Russia got involved twice in 2014-15 when the Donbas was being overrun by Nazis. In 2019 the Azov commander identified protesters as the enemy, not Russians. Kiev and Washington killed most of the civilians in the war, not Russia.

