Hi. I'm Buster's Uncle; you might remember me from such smash hits as and the two attached, which Poly needs. - Also many, many miscellaneous, like the above.
-Lamentably, there's some bull going on with uploads working, and I can't img-link w/o unchecking "Retrieve remote file and reference locally". I've Skyped Solver a heads-up that an uploads folder looks to need creating in the right place on the server. The attachments are old from my album, to which I can't add.
Hey Ming: I came in here to have a little fun and flood with my work, possibly taking requests and advocating for installing a few, but do this, willya? -The vB smilie interface is in the admin panel -I did the heck out of that for the pandas ten years ago- power me up, and I'll behave myself like last time -hammer bots myself instead of flooding your inbox w/ Reports- and take care of anything smilies-wise you permit. My paygrade is higher at graphics/forum display issues than other things, and I might could pitch in a little there, maybe fixing that uploads problem if it can be done from straight admin functions we don't need waiting on Solver for...