they did that because socialism needs serious people not e,mtoy hat revolutionaries.
also immigration
the capitalists love it because it is cheap labour and it erodes workers rights
that's why the lynched greeks in the US. they broke strikes (I'm conflicted in this)
but year the whole of europe is turning far right wing because the indutry and capitalism pushes for illegal immigration to drive down worker costs and at the same time instill nazism in the populace so it votes for right wing which is a code name for industry and profits over mankind
they THINK they have it all figured out but the european social democracy is very strong
of course the people are stupid which poses some problems
we ar enot america so we care for our human being even if he's black, we want to give free health care to him too
unless he's from pakistan, then no
in any case it is all a chimera
the right wing won but it is really temporary
where are the leaders of old tough khol miterran papanderou
we need to breath the air they breathed in our lungs and everything will sort itself out
also immigration
the capitalists love it because it is cheap labour and it erodes workers rights
that's why the lynched greeks in the US. they broke strikes (I'm conflicted in this)
but year the whole of europe is turning far right wing because the indutry and capitalism pushes for illegal immigration to drive down worker costs and at the same time instill nazism in the populace so it votes for right wing which is a code name for industry and profits over mankind
they THINK they have it all figured out but the european social democracy is very strong
of course the people are stupid which poses some problems
we ar enot america so we care for our human being even if he's black, we want to give free health care to him too
unless he's from pakistan, then no
in any case it is all a chimera
the right wing won but it is really temporary
where are the leaders of old tough khol miterran papanderou
we need to breath the air they breathed in our lungs and everything will sort itself out