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  • studying

    grim truth must be that it was Finlay’s hero, the ‘mass of the people’
    themselves, driven no doubt by the most primitive human instincts
    under extreme conditions, who collectively fell victim to the pathology
    of violence – a pathology that infected Christian and Muslim
    populations alike. Out of this frenzy of terror, mutual hatred and
    bloodletting, the Greek nation state would in due course be born.


  • #2
    That's some globalist propaganda.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • #3
      [Suleiman] caught up with him at Almyros, they kissed as friends,
      all night they stayed up drinking, until dawn,
      and when dawn broke they went out to the bandit lairs.
      And Suleiman called out to kapetán Milionis:
      ‘Christos, the Sultan’s after you, the Muslim nobles want you.’
      ‘So long as Christos lives, he won’t bow down to Turks.’
      Musket in hand they went for one another;
      fire answered fire and both of them fell dead.


      • #4
        It has been estimated
        that by 1828 the civilian population of the regions that would
        make up the Greek state had been reduced by 20 per cent since the
        outbreak of hostilities. Destruction of crops, flocks, mills and
        houses – the means of livelihood for an agricultural population – was
        on an even greater scale, up to 90 per cent in the case of livestock. By
        the time it was over, no Muslims remained in most of those regions.

