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Bereta_Eder Special Forces

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  • Bereta_Eder Special Forces

    Can you guys go shirtless/get oiled up and do something about this?

    My favorite building in the whole world, a symbol of unification and cooperation, now turned into another division and everyone signing up with their "team."

    Ultimately this is Turkey's property but I would hope a world treasure would be treated with much more sensitivity to ALL of its stakeholders.

    ANKARA, Turkey -- Turkey’s foreign minister on Tuesday chided the European Union over its condemnation of a Turkish decision to convert Istanbul’s iconic Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque, saying the matter is an issue of national sovereignty.

    Last week, Turkey canceled the sixth-century former cathedral-turned-mosque’s 86-year status as a museum and said it would open for Muslim worship as of July 24.
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

  • #2
    Erdogan - autocratic rule relying on nationalism and mixing politics, law (or what's left of it) and religion. What could go wrong


    • Ted Striker
      Ted Striker commented
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      Waiting for them to leave NATO. Their position as a moderate deal-broker seems to look less and less attractive at this point. Turexit

      I was going to say their application to the EU should be rejected indefinitely, but looks like that was already done in 2019.

      I don't know if keeping them close as a friend at this point has a moderating influence. They need to subscribe to European human rights ideals and Western democracy or gtfo.

      USA does deserve blame for destabilizing the entire region and shifting it towards radicalization to make way for the return of these strong men, but it's just a shame all around.

  • #3
    Yeah, I was in Istanbul in December...I noticed a marked change in atmosphere there since the last time I was there in 2009 - back then it felt no different to visiting London or Paris or New York in terms of attitude, Islam was the religion in the same way Christianity is here. But you could feel the piercing eyes at my wife who was not dressed in a hijab or head covering of any sort (and she didn't have exposed arms as it was too cold, so that wasn't even a thing). A lot more islamic propaganda written outside the Blue Mosque on information boards (I understand that the massive cultural/scientific impact of Middle Eastern society is underestimated but a lot of this was really pushing it). And a vital world monument, Hagia Sophia, now returned to religious use. Atatürk would roll in his mausoleum if he saw this, yet this is their national hero who they are "supposedly" following.

    Turkey is heading to a dark place, and I don't think I will visit again until something changes.
    Speaking of Erith:

    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


    • Ted Striker
      Ted Striker commented
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      You just confirmed my worst fears. :-(

      Glad you guys got to see it at least before it's closed. Turkey is also off my list of do not travel destinations. China also. That's too bad. Both amazing places with amazing culture. Also pretty much entire USA right now due to coronavirus LOL

      Let's hope we can turn a tide and stop this hard turn towards totalitarianism. Seems like one country after another has overreacted and taken too many steps backwards.

  • #4
    This is really unfortunate. It will be solved when we retake Constantinople.

    Untill then though I have to say that I never had any strong dislike for politicians. Even turks. But I really dislike Erdogan. Turkey and Greece play a lot of games but ultimately there is a sense of respect of life both from Greece and Turkey (at least when it regards its soldiers against Greece).

    But I really disliked Erdogan when he used human beings, women and small children (amongst criminals) and thrust them at the gates of the borders, turning inoccent defensleless people into weapons. That was when I said: this person has no morals, no compassion.

    As for what goes on in Turkey I can write a thesis about it.

    But a personal idea is when I visited Hagia Sophia (only 22 years old) it struck me to what majestic levels Byzantium had reached (despite the destruction of icons etc etc) and somehow I thought that this is the greek middle ages (Greece notoriously didn't experience the middle ages but that's another story).

    Very sad that Turkey has descended into another iran/iraq. But a far more easy adversary that way


    • Ted Striker
      Ted Striker commented
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      Those who are so good at seizing power rarely make good administrators. He's just as big of a scumbag as Xi (Mao wannabe), Putin (Stalin wannabe), or Trump (Hitler wannabe).

      The world would be better off if they all just armed their private yachts and had a private naval fight to the death. Winner is allowed to live but banished to an island Napoleon style where we can observe them as we would animals at a zoo as a monument for what a loser looks like.

      I think I'd just be better off resetting my expectations and just expect world leaders to just be **** ups. Seems like one after the other suck. Glad at least the EU and Southeast Asia (not China) are holding things together.

      Thanks for your thoughts. Throw that Phalanx at that dickhead