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Are You Voting Democrat?

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  • Originally posted by SlowwHand View Post
    Yes. For Demorats, the lecherous dementia patient is your candidate.
    I don't like his (corporatist) positions, but I am not certain that he is a lecherous dementia patient. And I like his friends a whole lot more than I like the Republican's lecherous dementia patient\s friends.

    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • Canadian satirical magazine assessment -
      The Democratic National Committee has responded to Sanders' exit from the campaign with a press release stating that "it is now time to rally behind a moderate candidate with a moderate number of allegations of sexual misconduct."
      There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


      • Early rumors speculating on Kamala Harris as a running mate. Seems like a decent move.

        Would hit it (consensual, unlike Joe or Trump)

        Or he could go with the non-threatening stooge with Buttigieg.

        Too bad Bernie is out. If Joe wins I hope he has an army of good subordinates to do all the heavy lifting cause the guy does look like he's out of his mind.
        We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


        • pchang
          pchang commented
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          Don't forget that Biden pledged to pick a woman as his VP candidate. I don't think Buttigieg counts as a woman.

        • Ted Striker
          Ted Striker commented
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          Good point pchang, I didn't see that.

          Warren and Harris seem to be the top contenders, though the Governor Whitmer was also mentioned today.

          Gabbard is out. The Democratic establishment hates her.

      • I won't vote for a rapist.


        • -Jrabbit
          -Jrabbit commented
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          Meaningless statement. Neither candidate has been convicted of rape.

      • Trump has an inelligent beautiful wife. I don't think he'd be hitting on anyone..
        Bill Clinton, I understood; but not withe hired help, ffs.
        That's a basic management faux pas.
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


        • Ted Striker
          Ted Striker commented
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          The same "grab them by the *****", associated with Epstein, hired a bunch of prostitutes, allegedly works directly for Putin due to having sexual acts dirt on him Trump?

        • Uncle Sparky
          Uncle Sparky commented
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          Funny spelling error on 'inelegant'... I also considered posting a link to Melania soft core porn shots, but I'm sure you've seen them already...

        • pchang
          pchang commented
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          Trump was married to Melania at the time of his affair with "Stormy" Daniels.

      • Texas is a fart! Oh-Texas is a fart!
        Texas is a fart!

        Order of the Fly
        Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


        • Originally posted by giblets View Post
          I won't vote for a rapist.
          Both parties' candidates fit that description so you'll have to go third party
          We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


          • Originally posted by SlowwHand View Post
            Trump has an inelligent beautiful wife. I don't think he'd be hitting on anyone..
            He cheated on her years ago, he has cheated on her in the last couple of years, sure thing.

            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • Originally posted by giblets View Post
              I won't vote for a rapist.
              She was claiming that she was bothered but that nothing sexual happened as recently as last year (including ~3 decades ago when the events happened). Until other accusers (of sexual assault or even sexual harassment) come forward, I think the reasonable point is to doubt.

              (the other 3 also claimed to be bothered and not harassed or assaulted)
              (we know that there are manufactured cases against Democrats, there have been such repeatedly in the last 4 years and I would expect more in this year)
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • She provided more information than before. Being reluctant to talk about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Considering how creepy Biden is in public why wouldn't he go further when he is alone with a staffer.


                • But no one has ever accused him of that before and she didn't accuse him of that more than just a few months ago. In fact, she explicitly said that it wasn't sexual (and said that for decades) and wasn't sexual harassment (much less sexual assault)

                  I just have no reason to believe her at this point.

                  If he is the casual sexual assaulter that you are accusing him of being, then there will be (many) more victims, who will make accusations. Just a cloud of accusations would increase the believability of any one. But especially in today's political climate, a single accusation based on a changed uncollaborated (at least the change, where the change is the key point) story that doesn't fit any pattern is not believable.

                  (my statements here are based on other people's research and not my own, but it comes from reasonable sources and fits the 'report but don't investigate' nature of current journalism)
                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time," Biden told reporters, according to The Washington Post.

                    "But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron," he added.


                    • Change of story:

                      Change of story which was deleted (while showing political biases):
                      "When I was in my early twenties and just out of college, I began my journey into politics. I left that political work behind a few years ago. I resigned my position and took myself out of the Washington DC beltway. Why? First, I started as an actor in classical theatre, an artist and writer before Washington DC. This work in the arts has always been my first love and best vocation. Second, I saw the reckless imperialism of America and the pain it caused through out the world. Third, I love Russia with all my heart."

                      I am not saying I am certain it didn't happen. I am saying that this isn't enough for me to change my view on Biden and it needs something more. One thing (and I said it about others, like Franken, Kavanaugh and Trump) is that there is likely to be other accusers if someone is a sexual assaulter/harasser. Franken's experience seems to show that even then, there should be some investigation as well. I think that Kavanaugh shouldn't be on the Court due to his response to the accusation and not due to the existence of the accusation itself (Ford's accusation still seems credible, but some others against Kavanugh no longer seem credible).

                      (See )
                      Last edited by Jon Miller; April 9, 2020, 09:59.
                      Jon Miller-
                      I AM.CANADIAN
                      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                      • And Jrabbit's points about Trump are also relevant. I don't play up the accusations of sexual assault against Trump (although there is more of a pattern there, and it is proven that he was/is a sexual harasser) even though there is a strong accusation (made by his ex-wife) because the other accusations are not strong and his ex-wife has changed her story.

                        There are many many other reasons not to vote for Trump (including that he is a proven harasser) and to vote for anyone who can beat him that doesn't include claiming he is a rapist.

                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • She's been a Democrat for decades, Biden is a pathological liar who can't keep his hands off women and girls, I know who I believe.

