It's been ages since I played, but fixing the sloooooowww early game is a big one. Spending turns and turns just running through the queue building prereq structures and waiting for your outposts to turn into cities really sucked. I'd also like to see the races have totally different units rather than "X swordsmen," "X halberdiers," etc. plus one or two uniques. This might be largely cosmetic, but it'd make them feel more distinct. Also, rebalance them so that you don't have why-would-I-ever-use-them races like the gnoll or klackons.
EDIT: mixed-race cities would be interesting, to try and mix-and-match bonuses and balance it against unrest. Possibly a few race-specific buildings? More opportunities for city specialization--I like the idea of making the guild buildings have a dramatic effect, but with sharp limits on how many you can build per city, so that you can have e.g. a fighter's and armorer's guild in a city to make it great for training troops, or a merchant's & maritime guild to make it a trade capital, etc.
EDIT: mixed-race cities would be interesting, to try and mix-and-match bonuses and balance it against unrest. Possibly a few race-specific buildings? More opportunities for city specialization--I like the idea of making the guild buildings have a dramatic effect, but with sharp limits on how many you can build per city, so that you can have e.g. a fighter's and armorer's guild in a city to make it great for training troops, or a merchant's & maritime guild to make it a trade capital, etc.