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  • #16
    BTW pchang, I realize you live in one of the most racist countries in the world and I sympathise.
    However and no matter how much you use hollow and shallow things to re-affirm your existence (money) I have to say this:
    I can pull at least a dozen raving praises about Greece and Syriza from eurocrats. european governmental officials and Greek officials, from the people who actually matter.
    I won't though for two reasons:
    1. I have class
    2. I'm too bored
    3. I enjoy seeing your reputation collapse


    • #17
      Oh. You live in one of the most racist countries in the world because it's one of the most capitalist. These two attributes go hand in hand.
      What I'm offering here is very valuabe information and probably ground shattering for the likes of dinner and you.
      And yet it's free, like it's done in communist europe.


      • #18
        Originally posted by pchang View Post
        Perhaps a more informative analysis.
        That is not good news.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #19


          • #20
            Disappointed? Well, yeah. It was saying yields on debt racked up big profits from speculators who bought the bonds cheap during the debt crisis but that the underlaying economy is still not really recovering. So, yeah, that is not good news. It means the systemic problems still haven't been dealt with even though debt has been given a new 30 year repayment plan.

            Sadly, it means the EU has given Greece some breathing room but they are failing to make use of it for positive change. Wouldn't you call that disappointing?
            Last edited by Dinner; May 25, 2019, 02:51.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #21
              Don't listen to varoufakis dude.
              He has done well for himself but don't listen to him.
              Listen to Syriza

              here's what's going on

              2.5 million people automatically re-inserted to full med care.
              10% drop in unemployment rate.
              Pensions increase.

              That's financial. Because geopolitical and social it rocks too.
              Re-affirming role as balkan steering wheel to progress, democracy and afluence.
              battering Turkey (with gracious allies Israel and... US )

              Social front: full rights to members of homosexual oriantation, furthering severing church and state relations and so much more.

              And for me, musical taste

              I was dissapointed in your lack of knee jerk reaction btw

              (it's rectified now)

