I'm sure anyone paying attention to the news has heard of Trump's latest sin, he called Haiti and African countries (some?) s***holes. This was in the context of immigration reform so Trump was talking about 3rd world sources of emigrants. Not surprisingly this has launched another flurry of criticism as the outraged are chiming in to call Trump a racist. Reporter April Ryan (?) rhetorically shouted at him 'are you a racist?'
Aside from the continuing disconnect between people calling this racist while denying race even exists, I think this shows another double standard - comedians regularly refer to some US states as dumps, etc. Mississippi usually takes the 'honor' of being America's anal orifice (I'm trying to think of more family friendly terms) but Alabama recently tried to outdo it with the Roy Moore show.
Even before that South Park singled Alabama out as America's derriere as the land of drunken, wife beating bowlers. Course Mississippi Man doesn't roll off the tongue quite like Alabama Man, but either can be mocked without being racist. When Obama criticized the Bible thumping, gun clingers was he being racist? Course not, he was identifying a 'problem' unrelated to race. The fact he was talking about mostly white people doesn't matter.
Trump 'asked' why cant we have more Norwegians instead of Haitians. Well, the answer is obvious, Norwegians probably consider the USA a butt hole. They're near the top in many stats used to measure development and I wouldn't be surprised if many Norwegians feel proud of that and look down on the rest of us to some extent, and I dont have a problem with that. They have a nice country, sort of... If you like mountains and cold.
Is it racist to refer to underdeveloped countries as '3rd world'? Isn't that just a euphemism for Trump's indictment of Haiti? Trump apparently included Honduras but it seems to me it wouldn't matter if Haiti was mostly Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, or any other 'race'. Of course there's all sorts of reasons why Haiti is not exactly a popular vacation spot, lack of resources, earthquakes and hurricanes, disease, poverty, but what do these have to do with race?
Aren't Trump's accusers assuming its about race and isn't that just a bit racist? If Haiti was 'white' would Trump welcome them in with open arms? I dont think so... Can overly narcissistic people even be racist? They're self-absorbed, its all about them, not race, not even their own race. Hell, he's a germaphobe! He doesn't wanna be near anyone other than the beautiful women he cant help but sexually assault.
Anyway, if I lived in one of those 3rd world countries I dont know how I'd feel. I'd look around at the relatively unspoiled environment with more or less intact natural resources and smile. To me NYC is a butt hole, no offense New Yorkers... But I tend to prefer nature to the unwashed masses, no offense unwashed masses. I spent plenty of time living the big city life and its okay I guess, but I dont even want neighbors now.
Is '3rd world' a racist euphemism for Trump's choice of words? Seems to me the world's septic tank is North Korea, but that has nothing to do with race...
here's a discussion on the topic
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...2c6e4b0720dc4c6933c?ncid=edlinkushpmg000003 13
Aside from the continuing disconnect between people calling this racist while denying race even exists, I think this shows another double standard - comedians regularly refer to some US states as dumps, etc. Mississippi usually takes the 'honor' of being America's anal orifice (I'm trying to think of more family friendly terms) but Alabama recently tried to outdo it with the Roy Moore show.
Even before that South Park singled Alabama out as America's derriere as the land of drunken, wife beating bowlers. Course Mississippi Man doesn't roll off the tongue quite like Alabama Man, but either can be mocked without being racist. When Obama criticized the Bible thumping, gun clingers was he being racist? Course not, he was identifying a 'problem' unrelated to race. The fact he was talking about mostly white people doesn't matter.
Trump 'asked' why cant we have more Norwegians instead of Haitians. Well, the answer is obvious, Norwegians probably consider the USA a butt hole. They're near the top in many stats used to measure development and I wouldn't be surprised if many Norwegians feel proud of that and look down on the rest of us to some extent, and I dont have a problem with that. They have a nice country, sort of... If you like mountains and cold.
Is it racist to refer to underdeveloped countries as '3rd world'? Isn't that just a euphemism for Trump's indictment of Haiti? Trump apparently included Honduras but it seems to me it wouldn't matter if Haiti was mostly Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, or any other 'race'. Of course there's all sorts of reasons why Haiti is not exactly a popular vacation spot, lack of resources, earthquakes and hurricanes, disease, poverty, but what do these have to do with race?
Aren't Trump's accusers assuming its about race and isn't that just a bit racist? If Haiti was 'white' would Trump welcome them in with open arms? I dont think so... Can overly narcissistic people even be racist? They're self-absorbed, its all about them, not race, not even their own race. Hell, he's a germaphobe! He doesn't wanna be near anyone other than the beautiful women he cant help but sexually assault.
Anyway, if I lived in one of those 3rd world countries I dont know how I'd feel. I'd look around at the relatively unspoiled environment with more or less intact natural resources and smile. To me NYC is a butt hole, no offense New Yorkers... But I tend to prefer nature to the unwashed masses, no offense unwashed masses. I spent plenty of time living the big city life and its okay I guess, but I dont even want neighbors now.
Is '3rd world' a racist euphemism for Trump's choice of words? Seems to me the world's septic tank is North Korea, but that has nothing to do with race...
here's a discussion on the topic
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...2c6e4b0720dc4c6933c?ncid=edlinkushpmg000003 13