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  • Just trust me, everything what we are doing around the World in retaliation to your bullying and aggression (which already costs millions of innocent human lives, slain by you within the last 25 years), - is just a foreplay!
    When you dare to touch us for real - God, have mercy on your stupid and arrogant Western souls, really!!!
    But, you won't understand and listen to me anyway(((
    Because you are so absolutely sure that you are superior (your brainwashing media, your entire society tells you that from your first breath).


    But, I know how my people works when it comes to war (Americans - you don't know that! Trust me, 'cause you never had a disaster on your own soil, that's why you kill for fun with so easiness around the globe - you just don't know what it is!).
    None of us here (I speak from my people now, you can ask any Russian here to confirm that) fears of upcoming fight and the death it will brings!

    When the bell will finally tool, we'll just do, what we have to, because you left us no choice, but to kill you!
    But, none of us here wants this to happen, because we know what the war is and love peace!

    Please, remember that, when you hear another lie from your TV about us!


    • Ok! Now it's time for a joke, not sure you will get the meaning of this anecdote, but I'll try anyway.

      The old and experienced instructor, explains to his young scouts, what to do to save yourself, in a case when you face a bear in a forest:

      - If you ever face a bear in a forest you should immediately start smearing you face! The bears don't like the smell of it!!!
      - Ok, Sir! We got it! But, with what substance exactly we should smear our faces?
      - Son! When you face the bear, you won't have that question!


      • "Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russian has always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play".
        - Otto von Bismark
        (for Americans - the guy is the founder of Germany)
        Last edited by Serb; April 29, 2018, 02:22.


        • The great mind, the few among many Westerners, who really understood us!


          • "…The result of a war against Russia would never result in the destruction of the main power of Russia, which rests upon millions of Russians of the Greek [Orthodox] confession. Even if separated by treaty, these would just as soon reunite, like the parts of a splattered drop of mercury."
            - Same guy, said in 19th century.


            • You (the West) always lie!!! Always!!!
              You call people who took arms to defend their homes after the nazi coup (initiated and supported by YOU) a terrorists (despite they have never committed a single attack on "Ukrainian" soil), while you have been calling "people", who took children hostages and killing them at Beslan school or at Nord-Ost theater - a "rebel fighters".
              You live in a f*cking twisted universe, really!!!
              And everyone around the globe knows what a liar you are! And hates you for lies, that you keep doing over and over again be it GB or Syria!
              You are just ****ing idiots, who self-proclaimed themselves to be superior, and honestly trust that the rest of the World will buy any lie from a "master".

              The guy from the video, Mikhail Tolstyh (Givi), just like another fallen hero - Arsen Pavlov (Motorolla), both have been slain by a terrorist attack (because your puppets could do nothing vs. them on a real battlefield). Your media can lie about them for all they care, but the truth is:


              • Our heroes - they make us move forward!
                That is why you, f*cking liars will never beat us! Not matter how hard they lie to you!


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                  • Хуй вам всем, лживые мрази!!!

                    Всех не убъете! На наше место придут другие и выебут вас по полной программе!!!
                    Last edited by Serb; April 29, 2018, 07:16.


                    • "Russian mercenaries", my ass!!!

                      Rest in peace, heroes! The day will come and we will avenge you!


                      • For every f*cking bit of lie, they have told about you!!!


                        • Pfffft! Finland FTW!
                          Where else is Cell-phone tossing considered a sport?
                          I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                          Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                          Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                          • Welcome back bro!
                            I have Youlia sleeping in my bad, while I am typing here


                            • She is wild! Like all my babies!
                              (and I am drunk of course)
                              We have seen the movie "Coach" tonight and somehow get laid after it.


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