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  • Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
    I wish Serb would stop holding back and tell us what he really thinks.
    I always tell you what I really think, because whenever I post here - I am always drunk and drunk people do not lie.


    • Originally posted by giblets View Post

      I wasn;t thinking about it until you said it.
      That's because you are a typical Westerner and don't need to think by definition. Brains is the last thing needed for a cannon fodder.
      The West and its flagship - US of A have declared war on us and when this war comes into a "hot" phase is just a matter of time!
      It's inevitable, because the history works just like that! And all my drunk posts "back-off, because our words are backed with nuclear weapons" will never change that.
      It's just f*cking coming!
      And you (the West) will lose, as always!


      • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
        Perhaps that he secretly is in love with Trump, but has fears of coming out because of the homophobia in Putins russia
        Так ты тоже пидор что ли? Ну, вы там вообще все ебанулись в вашей Европе!


        • Ой, блять, клоуны! Ебаный стыд!


          • So, don't be shy, come, get some, Western idiots! You need that once in a century, to refresh your memory!


            • You will never kill us, because of your hunger and because of money and your f*cking flag (and whatever sh!t they put into your heads)!

              We will kill you instead!
              Simple as that, idiots!
              Last edited by Serb; November 18, 2017, 21:54.


              • Batmobile? No, never seen it, except the movies!

                "ФСБ" stands for KGB, they are not even military.


                • "Do not ever even think about to f*cking f*ck with Russians!"
                  - Otto von Bismark

                  (and the rest)


                  • You will lose, like you have lost in Syria with your puppets, just right now!

                    When it comes to war - Russians are the best!
                    Just put that simple thing into your Western mind, finally and forever!


                    • "The really strong one doesn't need to beat any ****** at every occasion to show to others and to prove himself his own "strength", he uses his strength only when it is absolutely necessary!"
                      - Serb
                      (and the rest of Russia)
                      Last edited by Serb; November 18, 2017, 22:17.


                      • This is Karate philosophy that have been put into my mind, when I was seven, and it's so f*cking close to what Russia really is!


                        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                          "The really strong one doesn't need to beat any ****** at every occasion to show to others and to prove himself his own "strength", he uses his strength only when it is absolutely necessary!"
                          - Serb
                          (and the rest of Russia)
                          Curbstomping Georgia and Ukraine is absolutely necessary.


                          • Exactly!


                            • That was a retaliation in both cases, if you still didn't get it!


                              • It is absolutely necessary to strike back, because "the Good should have fists"!

