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  • Giancarlo
    Citation? That ethics professor should get a medal of valor. Trump is a neo-nazi that called the terrorists in Virginia "good people".

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  • Kidlicious
    Psycho commie ethics professor that got busted hitting Trump supporters on the head with a bike lock gets off on probation. He indoctrinates his little twits into believing that using violence isn't immoral because that's what Trump says.

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  • Kidlicious
    commented on 's reply
    JR is defending the beings that I claim exist.

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    False. You are claiming the existence of cat moms who hunt Big Foot.

  • Kidlicious
    commented on 's reply
    False. You are defending cat moms that hunt Big Foot.

  • Giancarlo
    Kidiot back at it. When these alt right fascists announce their support of fascism, chances are they fascists. You know the saying if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck?

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  • -Jrabbit
    commented on 's reply
    So, founder of Proud Boys defends racism.
    In other news: Sun Rises In East.

  • Kidlicious
    Words of wisdom ...
    Today, we have cat mom busybodies on Left-wing blogs scouring satire for incendiary quotes they can take out of context. They are supported by race-hustling globalists such as the SPLC, Hope Not Hate, and the ADL. They’re all Bigfoot chasers pretending Nazis lie await around every corner. The civil rights fakers get paid millions. The cat moms get forty bucks. Yet, both are equally driven to “smash the patriarchy” and destroy the West, even if that means cheating and lying to make it so.
    -Gavin McInnes

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by BeBro View Post

    Not even Sean Spicer could have saved this

    Yes, drowned out by the message "white supremacist USA."

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  • Giancarlo

    US House member Chris Collins (NY-R) was indicted and arrested on insider trading charges in a case spearheaded by the FBI. This could blow open a conservative district (much like what happened for Conor Lamb). A scandal can cause a 10-12% flip according to FiveThirtyEight. The democrats are already pouncing on this pushing Nate McMurray to take the seat.

    This could also damage other republicans in nearby areas.

    I swear if more republicans were under investigation they would be facing prison time. Scandals like this will cause republicans serious trouble in the midterms. Seems like the FBI will have the last laugh over the Trump controlled GOP.

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  • BeBMan
    'Racist message drowned out'

    At the scene: Rajini Vaidyanathan, BBC News, Washington

    As a small group of white supremacists gathered for their second "Unite the Right" rally, the rain began to fall.

    Much like the sodden pavements outside the White House, the follow up to last year's rally in Charlottesville was nothing more than a damp squib.
    Not even Sean Spicer could have saved this


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  • Giancarlo
    I wonder if the bikers will follow through with that boycott Trump has on Harley Davidson lol.

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  • Proteus_MST
    But still they demand from H-D, to keep theoir production 100% in the USA.
    Hm, considering that thee Bikers had their T-Shirts produced in Haiti because of a 8$ price difference ... how hicgh are the chances that they would sweitch to other Motorbike brands nevertheless, if H-D keeps all of their plants in the USA and the price for Motorbikes increased by several hundred $

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  • Broken_Erika
    Pro-Trump T-shirts Too Expensive to Make in U.S., So We Get Them Made in Haiti, Bikers for Trump Founder Says
    America First!

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    and when he looses; he'll blame it on voter fraud and busloads of illegal immigrant voters brought in from mexico by the deep state under the personal orders of Hillary, Obama and Mr. Banghazi.
    Donald Trump will then say he never knew Corey Stewart and never supported him. Trump will then say he actually won because he always knew that Corey wasn't the right canddiate and wasn't pro-Trump enough lol (that's what Donny always says).

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