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Where do you get your news?

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  • #16
    I used to get all my news from Kid, but I can no longer see his posts.
    There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


    • #17
      Most days I read a lot of newspapers. I like a balanced approach so I read the Chicago Tribune, WSJ, NY Times and USA Today. On top of that, I follow The Economist regularly.
      I also use MSN as a news aggregator, but it leans really to the left. Like some, the only TV news I get is from comedy sources

      If I see a story that really interests me, I will look for other sources and try to get both sides of the story.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #18
        For most issues: the 4 major papers of my country

        De Standaard (conservative)
        De Tijd (liberal economic)
        De Morgen (left leaning)
        Knack (a bit of everything)

        If anything country specific I try the local papers if it is in English, French, German or Dutch
        **** the Finns
        "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


        • #19
          Sometimes I buy a real newspaper when travelling around...though these days I feel a bit like a dinosaur when I read a newspaper on a train or so when everyone else is smartphoning, notebooking etc. Which I could do too, but I do look into displays all day work-wise, so....

