I"m not doing this as a poll because I'm really not interested in the average or overall picture. I'm more interested in individual responses.
So the question is. If you drive a car on a regular basis, how often do you use your horn.
A. at least once a day.
B. once a week
C. once a month.
D. a few times a year.
E. too few to remember.
When I was younger I used to do it quite frequently, but as I've aged, it has reduced considerably. The car I'm driving now, I got about a year and a half ago and I've probably only used the horn less than a handful of times. Mostly just a slight tap when the driver in front of me isn't paying attention at a stop light. Only once to alert a driver that was unaware that he was cutting me off.
I think it shows something about a person's personality, and am interested in it as just another data point.
So give us your answer, and any rational to justify or explain your usages.
And for those that thought this thread was going to be about something else, you should be ashamed of yourselves
So the question is. If you drive a car on a regular basis, how often do you use your horn.
A. at least once a day.
B. once a week
C. once a month.
D. a few times a year.
E. too few to remember.
When I was younger I used to do it quite frequently, but as I've aged, it has reduced considerably. The car I'm driving now, I got about a year and a half ago and I've probably only used the horn less than a handful of times. Mostly just a slight tap when the driver in front of me isn't paying attention at a stop light. Only once to alert a driver that was unaware that he was cutting me off.
I think it shows something about a person's personality, and am interested in it as just another data point.
So give us your answer, and any rational to justify or explain your usages.
And for those that thought this thread was going to be about something else, you should be ashamed of yourselves
