The two year time frame for an article 50 withdrawal does not start ticking until the UK submits papers saying it wants to withdraw yet any negotiations are likely to take longer than two years. Worse the European Commission has arrogantly declared they will not treat the UK fairly and that they wish to punish them for daring to say no to them. I believe an alternative approach is required to make them change their minds and insure the UK gets an over all better deal.
My suggestion is to not submit article 50 papers, to declare this will not be done until negotiations are completed on terms satisfactory to the UK. Further more, announce that the UK will veto absolutely every piece of legislation, I mean everything, until such a time as the UK gets an exit deal which is more advantageous to it than the current membership deal.
Bring the whole ****ing system to a stand still, make sure even the most basic day to day stuff no longer functions, and say it will all stop when we get what we want but until then **** the E. C. and its a total shut down. The best way to deal with a bully is to find something he values and then twist the knife until he agrees to stop bullying you.
I certainly believe this would bring about better results than asking pretty please while Junckers and his fellow **** stains scream never at the UK. If they truly do love Europe or even just their own power in Europe than eventually they will be forced to deal. Failing that just keep ****ting in the punch bowl and pissing in the E. C. 's face until they eventually pay you to leave.
Just my $0.02 on hard negotiating tactics.
My suggestion is to not submit article 50 papers, to declare this will not be done until negotiations are completed on terms satisfactory to the UK. Further more, announce that the UK will veto absolutely every piece of legislation, I mean everything, until such a time as the UK gets an exit deal which is more advantageous to it than the current membership deal.
Bring the whole ****ing system to a stand still, make sure even the most basic day to day stuff no longer functions, and say it will all stop when we get what we want but until then **** the E. C. and its a total shut down. The best way to deal with a bully is to find something he values and then twist the knife until he agrees to stop bullying you.
I certainly believe this would bring about better results than asking pretty please while Junckers and his fellow **** stains scream never at the UK. If they truly do love Europe or even just their own power in Europe than eventually they will be forced to deal. Failing that just keep ****ting in the punch bowl and pissing in the E. C. 's face until they eventually pay you to leave.
Just my $0.02 on hard negotiating tactics.