I just finished filling out an online application that asked me to rank, from best to worst, something like sixteen entirely different things. It was a drag and drop interface, and among the things I had to sort were "love of nature," "a speeding ticket/fine," "violent child abuse," "spreading false rumors," and "living a life of high moral/ethical principles."
This activity was followed by a barrage of about fifty repetitive multiple-choice questions of the "Do you prefer a steady workflow or a challenging rush" type. Since my honest answer to almost all such questions is, "well, it depends a lot on context, and what exactly you mean by that," by question twenty-five I was mostly busy wondering how inconsistent my answers were, trying to keep track of how I'd presented myself in previous questions. And when it asks me to evaluate my performance, do I get penalized for vanity if I always pick the best option, or am I really supposed to always say "outstanding" or "exceptional" to avoid getting shunted out by whatever algorithm they've developed to sort through this dreck? I know they're not making an actual human deal with the answers I'm giving.
For those of you like Rah who actually do hiring, do you guys actually use this stuff, or is it primarily a means of putting up an obstacle to discourage lazy applicants, or what?
This activity was followed by a barrage of about fifty repetitive multiple-choice questions of the "Do you prefer a steady workflow or a challenging rush" type. Since my honest answer to almost all such questions is, "well, it depends a lot on context, and what exactly you mean by that," by question twenty-five I was mostly busy wondering how inconsistent my answers were, trying to keep track of how I'd presented myself in previous questions. And when it asks me to evaluate my performance, do I get penalized for vanity if I always pick the best option, or am I really supposed to always say "outstanding" or "exceptional" to avoid getting shunted out by whatever algorithm they've developed to sort through this dreck? I know they're not making an actual human deal with the answers I'm giving.
For those of you like Rah who actually do hiring, do you guys actually use this stuff, or is it primarily a means of putting up an obstacle to discourage lazy applicants, or what?