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  • #46
    Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
    oh and kentonio - really, iran, the US would have a no fly zone over the WOHLE of iran in less than 3 days. and hey, it's pretty over at that point.
    No, they wouldn't, not even close. Where exactly do you imagine the US would be basing the planes required to launch the heavy attacks required to degrade Iran's extremely complex air defence systems (even before they get their hands on the S-300)? Even if you did manage to establish air superiority, so what? You'd have to land hundreds of thousands of US combat troops in a huge country with an extremely proud armed population significant numbers of whom would fight you to the death. The casualties on both sides would be absolutely horrific. We're talking the kind of horrific that make Iraq and Afghanistan look tame.

    Except as I said, you couldn't do any of that, because the EU and much of the rest of the world would break relations with an America willing to launch an aggressive war for profit. You'd be international lepers, suffering under economic sanctions by half the planet. Ask the Russians how that feels.


    • #47
      oh I knew you had to reply. but wait - this is "thread drift!" the very killer of Poly.

      Please, iran stands no chance. why on earth do you think the supreme leader would go along with this "iran deal" (oh yeah, say how you hate it now supreme leader). whatever.... please. the US could do Iran, NK and yeah, Russia too at the same time. We've had threads like this.


      • #48
        Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
        oh I knew you had to reply. but wait - this is "thread drift!" the very killer of Poly.

        Please, iran stands no chance. why on earth do you think the supreme leader would go along with this "iran deal" (oh yeah, say how you hate it now supreme leader). whatever.... please. the US could do Iran, NK and yeah, Russia too at the same time. We've had threads like this.
        This is like debating with a 14 year old high on GI Joe comics. Iran went along with the deal, because having the world united in sanctions against you slowly crushes a country internally. North Korea only survive it because their leadership family is willing to use extreme savagery and concentration camps to keep the population in check. Incidentally if you declared war on north Korea, they would immediately attack Seoul killing tens if not hundreds of thousands of people within the first couple of hours. You could win, but it'd be over the dead bodies of potentially millions of people. Hell why bother, why not just nuke them if you don't care about genocide?

        America is not an invincible force. The most powerful military on the planet sure, by a considerable margin, but there are serious limits to what you can do, as Iraq and Afghanistan should have already shown you. Hell, Vietnam should have shown you that.


        • #49
          ok...... I guess you be right. the dollar is king. Russia and iran and NK just like those b* slap sanctions we apply. on and on... oh and china just loves the US right in their back yard.

          my god, NK would fold in a matter of minutes. as soon as any word of attack by US - you would see on the largest scale even more than Iraq... surrender. remember those pictures. the US was so cool bringing in all that food and medical care.

          Vietnam - hahah like ISIS right - our pilots have so many rules of engagement they come back with 80% weapon load ever time.

          over - in a week.


          • #50
            "This is like debating with a 14 year old high on GI Joe comics. " so you first line is always a cut down. always.

            I might not agree with you. I might even say you must be kidding. but! personal dings... I mean really. it gets old. tell me what you think, what you feel, what even makes you mad.


            • #51
              Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
              "This is like debating with a 14 year old high on GI Joe comics. " so you first line is always a cut down. always.

              I might not agree with you. I might even say you must be kidding. but! personal dings... I mean really. it gets old. tell me what you think, what you feel, what even makes you mad.
              What makes me mad is hearing people old enough to know better, talk about war as if it's some game of who has the biggest dick. Maybe I wouldn't be mad about it, if half your country didn't seem determined to do it for real. Again. And probably again not care about hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. Again.

              I don't know how to not be mad about that. I don't know why you aren't.


              • #52
                alright you made an effort. and I'm just drinkin enough. if you were in my house now, come here for a hug! that's cool

                ok... now, back to thread drift. oh it is a game. one I've been fortunate at (you too). Why wait for a time when the US adversaries are stronger - do you think the inevitable war at that time will be better in terms of deaths. I would rather be taken over by the US over anyone else right now. right now the US could do it... maybe even less deaths would happen on a dialy basis. last video I saw was 100 young men lying on the dirt and machine gunned ISIS ( - not recommended. yeah, another 50 years and 6 presidents of the same thing.... that's not what we need.


                • #53
                  TRUMP! 2016 getting this Michigan vote!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
                    ok... now, back to thread drift. oh it is a game. one I've been fortunate at (you too). Why wait for a time when the US adversaries are stronger - do you think the inevitable war at that time will be better in terms of deaths. I would rather be taken over by the US over anyone else right now. right now the US could do it... maybe even less deaths would happen on a dialy basis. last video I saw was 100 young men lying on the dirt and machine gunned ISIS ( - not recommended. yeah, another 50 years and 6 presidents of the same thing.... that's not what we need.
                    Better than what? You think Iran is going to come try and invade the US at some point?

                    So ISIS machine gunned 100 people, in the grand scheme of things, how relevant is that? The Iraq war killed between 150,000 and one million innocent people. ISIS would have to commit that atrocity ever day for over 27 years to match that total.


                    • #55
                      do you think iran is not going to get to a point where it really is 50/50... big time war there, and WAY more deaths than anyone would want to see.

                      tech moves fast - the is a CIVII forum. I've been a few times at every 2 turns, never every turn. and I plat a lot.

                      why wait for NK or any of them? what good will come of waiting? more have died because of ISIS in last years because US pulled out. they kill everyone and anyone over there... so many every day! why wait?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
                        do you think iran is not going to get to a point where it really is 50/50... big time war there, and WAY more deaths than anyone would want to see.
                        Yes, I don't think that, because it doesn't make any sense. I especially don't think that because Iranians are actually pretty moderate and largely in favour of a more moderate regime. That is harder to achieve when the regime can correctly point out that America want to invade them and steal their oil.

                        Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
                        why wait for NK or any of them? what good will come of waiting? more have died because of ISIS in last years because US pulled out. they kill everyone and anyone over there... so many every day! why wait?
                        Considerably more people died before ISIS even existed. The only reason ISIS even make the papers is because of the gruesome way they kill people. Then again blowing people into small bits of flesh with high explosives isn't exactly pretty, but we seem to think that's just normal behaviour these days.


                        • #57
                          What would ISIS be doing if we hadn't gotten rid of Saddam and we hadn't been trying to topple the dictator in Syria? What kind of chaotic, terrorist-infested ****show is Iran going to be after we destroy their government?


                          • #58
                            well your first point deserves recognition. I do believe the average person in iran is like anyone else. just trying to get by day to day and take care of the family. with most of what happens to them completely out of theit contrl.

                            but the US could force change on iran - give those people a choice. maybe not easy at first. but at last a chance. s* they hang you over there for loving the wrong person. and film it. really?!

                            but why wait... there's no need for a supreme leader anymore. everyone else is smart enough now to get.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
                              but the US could force change on iran - give those people a choice. maybe not easy at first. but at last a chance. s* they hang you over there for loving the wrong person. and film it. really?!
                              No, the US could force those moderate to turn against moderate positions and turn into extremists. That's what tends to happy when you blow up peoples families as 'collateral damage' or spent a decade kicking down peoples doors and dragging them off to interrogation centres.


                              • #60
                                if you leave a empty hole for anyone to fill yeah! pulling out if Iraq.

                                look at japan now. that's how it should have been done. Obama is spinless.

