Basically the same reasoning (which I had) for GW2 would lead us into Iran. And I think that is a mistake.
The reasoning was as follows.
We were enemies with the nation (Iraq before GW2, Iran now) due to mistakes we (the US) made in the past (GW1 for Iraq and loads of stuff for Iran). Even though it was our mistake, we should still use our military might to neutralize possible enemies and so go to war (GW2 then, ??? now).
The problem in this pragmatic thinking is that you don't know if you won't make a worse enemy (in todays reality where terrorism is possible) so you don't really neutralize your possible enemy. You are just changing your possible enemies form.
And in the process being morally wrong (this is a stronger position than I had previously, I had thought it possible for the US to do little harm to non-combatents and now I think otherwise) and costing huge amounts which are paid by the american poor (morally and pragmatically wrong).
The reasoning was as follows.
We were enemies with the nation (Iraq before GW2, Iran now) due to mistakes we (the US) made in the past (GW1 for Iraq and loads of stuff for Iran). Even though it was our mistake, we should still use our military might to neutralize possible enemies and so go to war (GW2 then, ??? now).
The problem in this pragmatic thinking is that you don't know if you won't make a worse enemy (in todays reality where terrorism is possible) so you don't really neutralize your possible enemy. You are just changing your possible enemies form.
And in the process being morally wrong (this is a stronger position than I had previously, I had thought it possible for the US to do little harm to non-combatents and now I think otherwise) and costing huge amounts which are paid by the american poor (morally and pragmatically wrong).