Originally posted by Kidicious
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Even today when a moderate group starts coming to prominence, we still tend to only offer limited support until we're sure that we can exploit them to our interests. Remember the original rebels in Syria? We hummed and hawwed until they were on the brink of destruction and now we act all shocked because the extremists took over instead and are now completely out of our control.
Cash does not fuel extremism, that's utterly idiotic. Desperation and resentment fuel extremism, which is why our campaigns that killed hundreds of thousands of people across the middle east and left countries tearing themselves apart in civil war have now led to a unifying movement of extremist Islamism. If you kill peoples wives and parents and brothers and children then they will be filled with hate not moderation. The only reason we don't understand that is because we have such incredibly comfortable lives in the west where we get to cry and ***** about which elected leader might add another 0.5% to our taxes, while people there are wondering whether their kids will still be alive tomorrow.