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  • #31
    Hey Sava! A salute to the absent dad


    • #32
      Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
      big words small

      death is waiting for you.
      have you done what it takes to ****ing luagh at his face
      I don't think there is free will.
      Indifference is Bliss


      • #33
        Not drinking has saved me probably thousands of dollars over the past three years or so.


        • #34
          maybe there isn't.
          maybe there is juxtapoxtition evergeen, not **** what you do, it's 12 monkeys

          But it doesn't matter. If there's no free will, you simply reap the fabric of reality and make your own present

          i dont know what poet said this,
          death will find me screaming and kicking at his face


          • #35
            Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
            Not drinking has saved me probably thousands of dollars over the past three years or so.

            a good point if ever there was one

            wine is dirt cheap here though

            (and it shoukdnt be. not so cheap. not so readily available)


            • #36
              I mean, you see reality in front of you, and you just laugh.
              That's all you have to do,
              Because reality changes with a snap of your fingers.
              Snap. And it's changed. It's not easy but it's very, how should I say it, "near you" to do it.
              Free will exists. It's you not being happy with something and ****ing it up.


              • #37
                Those little people are slugs after the rain, coming out to get some sun.
                Touch them in the eyes, and they retreat. And you can go on your way.
                Why does free will not exist?
                Because some ****er said so?
                He's just a ****er.
                Easily manipulated
                The bible is what you want, in any given time
                Or rather what you need, because that forces roads to open
                The world is plasteline. You just have to have the will to mold it.
                But if you lose it, I accept that free wil doesnt exist, only routine


                • #38
                  And besides, we're all going to the grave.
                  Might as well have someone to "close our eyes" as they say

                  Or not


                  • #39
                    My suggestion is to get a hobby. It will take up your time (which you currently are spending drinking), it will hopefully allow you to meet new people, and you may just find it fun.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #40
                      I tend to "connect" my anytime current way of life with a relationship.
                      Change a relationships, change my whole life.

                      Anyway, I went to a park yesterday that had some outdoor gym machines, it was good,

                      The SO has an instict for writing (wonder why she hangs out with me ) and she has developed it.

                      I have developed it (and being accredited for it long ago) so yeah someting outdoors, that will take me out of the house and out of the bottle


                      • #41
                        I wonder though, if that generalized anxiety is ever going to leave me.
                        It leaves me when Im with other people. Family, or the SO.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
                          I don't think there is free will.
                          Don't make him drink more. That's not cool man.
                          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                          • #43
                            Now that Im alone, it's hitting the roof


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
                              Don't make him drink more. That's not cool man.
                              Without alcohol and being alone, I'm paralyzed


                              • #45
                                I'm relatiely young but I think my organs have begun to take the hit long ago.
                                And frankly I don't care about it.
                                The only reason to look after your health is if you have an offspring to look after. Otherwise, who gives a ****

