Given recent discussions around here, I'm curious where the mostly male audience of poly draws the line as far as consent for sexual intercourse with a woman is.
The scenario is that you've been invited to her place. There's been no history of sex between you, but there's been mutual interest since you met. She invites you to stay the night and proposes you sleep in her bed, but she hasn't been clear she's interested in sex. She's given some verbal cues that she's not. You go to bed with night clothes on. You end up having sex. She's consented if: you make advances and...
Wait for the poll, but feel free to begin staking out extreme positions and bickering
The scenario is that you've been invited to her place. There's been no history of sex between you, but there's been mutual interest since you met. She invites you to stay the night and proposes you sleep in her bed, but she hasn't been clear she's interested in sex. She's given some verbal cues that she's not. You go to bed with night clothes on. You end up having sex. She's consented if: you make advances and...
Wait for the poll, but feel free to begin staking out extreme positions and bickering