She wouldn't get it. Came over from Bosnia in '95. Never got any of my American childhood references.
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Making Smilies (so nag <s>Aeson</s> <s>Ming</s> ME to install)
A simple animation
So, back to school.
To demonstrate the simplest of two-frame .gif animations, I took the still black-and-white teddy bear, an absolutely innocent example that I posted in the OP, and commenced to make a second layer.
That's a simple right-click on the thumbnail in the Layers box>Duplicate Layer, resulting in
The idea was to make Teddy wave, so I redrew the arm a little:
and also made the changes you can see in the Layers text to the right od the frame icon. 300ms is slightly under a third of a second, and (replace) does the obvious. (If Teddy was still, but blinking, I'd use combine, and erase most of the redundant pixels for the frame. I'll be back shortly with a demonstration.)
Can you do one that's like a nice princess in a pink dress spreading glitter and rainbows in her fairy wake?The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
Or one that's like a nice baby panda being cute and sleepy in a bed of flowers and pixies?The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
Or one like a 40-something Englishman vomiting himself inside-out?The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
Because if you can't, we might have to resort to communicating via the medium of words.The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
But most of the world's population can't understand what your words mean. It's clear what a dancing piece of red broccoli with a bald human head holding some sort of hammer is supposed to communicate.
Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny View PostBecause if you can't, we might have to resort to communicating via the medium of words.
Still Teaching Sava How To Use Photoshop
To make Teddy blink, I reloaded the basic model, duplicated the layer, selected the dupe and blacked out the eyes.
Then I made the base layer visible so I could see where the eyes had been, but left the dupe layer selected, while I used the select tool to make the smallest box that included them
and cropped the layer down to just that
I decided a double blink would look better, so I duped the cropped layer twice
and put the eyes back in the middle copy
Here's what it looked like without the background, comprising most of the black-and-white teddy bear showing
and with
-Note the timing for each layer, and the use of (combine). This makes for a small file, as 43x45 animated .gifs go.
And here's blinking Teddy.Last edited by Buster Crabbe's Uncle; March 14, 2014, 11:05.
Exactly the idea - I got in the habit of copious screenies because of a Italian w/very poor English I was teaching SMAX art modding. Taking and prepping screenies is a slow-down and a pain, but then so is writing detailed instructions, and this way nothing gets forgotten. You can see the buttons in use right there in the screenies.
This is a thing I was trying to tell Lori about - I am not the king of all internet art -I can barely draw- but empowering people lets me feel good about myself. A bunch of guys on my AC forum do art modding now; and since I taught all but one everything, I get to feel a little proprietary and proud whenever any of them mod. -Without having to do the work.