Obviously, there's some balance to be struck here. On the one hand, theocracy is toxic; on the other, it is not healthy or right that we should absolve ourselves of all moral responsibility for our society or the world. And the present mentality concerning Christians in the American public square is a stacked deck. Suppose a Christian has a moral view which he would like to see reflected in law. If it is a moral view which is not shared by atheists (abortion, gay marriage), the Christian is immorally imposing his personal views on other people. If, on the other hand, it is something atheists also tend to believe in (gun control, education, healthcare), he would be considered immoral for not pushing for its passage into law. In effect, we are allowed to be politically active, provided our conscience does not differ from the unbeliever's.
(this is leaving aside the present obscene fusion we call the religious right, which has done little beyond breeding atheism while enriching plutocrats and war profiteers)
(this is leaving aside the present obscene fusion we call the religious right, which has done little beyond breeding atheism while enriching plutocrats and war profiteers)