I have been struggling with figuring out whether gay sex actually causes pleasure from the act of anal penetration and if so what biological purpose is there for penis-style nerves to be embedded in the male anus? Why has this obvious argument been overlooked? Surely, the best retort to someone who says "GOD DIDN'T INTENT MEN TO STICK IT IN EACH OTHER'S ANUS" would be "THEN WHY DID HER PUT NERVE ENDINGS THAR?"
My priest told me gay sex produces mere 'PSYCHOLOGICAL EUPHORIA,' that is, all the pleasure is in the mind, not in the anus. However his credibility has been strained because he hordes bacon and denies that, even though it is evident that he hordes bacon in his rectum, where he and the other priests live. (I have seen his stash). Is that generally the case, or do different gays have nerve endings in different places, please advise.
My priest told me gay sex produces mere 'PSYCHOLOGICAL EUPHORIA,' that is, all the pleasure is in the mind, not in the anus. However his credibility has been strained because he hordes bacon and denies that, even though it is evident that he hordes bacon in his rectum, where he and the other priests live. (I have seen his stash). Is that generally the case, or do different gays have nerve endings in different places, please advise.