Wait, they're calling the second expansion "Brave New World"? Srsly?
[quick Wiki check]
Well, I guess they are going for a "stupefy an increasingly homogenous audience with a barrage of flashy pleasures devoid of substance or meaning" strategy, so that works. Sez they'll be introducing exciting new Civs like " Poland, Brazil, Assyria, the Zulus, Portugal, Indonesia, Morocco, Venice and the Shoshone." That's good. I know we've all been dying to take over the world with kielbasa and bikini wax.
[quick Wiki check]
Well, I guess they are going for a "stupefy an increasingly homogenous audience with a barrage of flashy pleasures devoid of substance or meaning" strategy, so that works. Sez they'll be introducing exciting new Civs like " Poland, Brazil, Assyria, the Zulus, Portugal, Indonesia, Morocco, Venice and the Shoshone." That's good. I know we've all been dying to take over the world with kielbasa and bikini wax.