I have to agree that DD has an obsession with Obama just like MrFun has an obsession about gays. That said, yes, trying to sell white lightening as a premium product is simply unacceptable. The ****ers should have built some barrels and stored it away for a few years at least.
I'd still love to see a micro-distillery revolution but both Federal and state laws would have to change to make that possible. Just think of all the new jobs, exports, and new local businesses it would create though. Heck, such an industry could even revive rural economies which haven't done all that well in recent decades.
I'd still love to see a micro-distillery revolution but both Federal and state laws would have to change to make that possible. Just think of all the new jobs, exports, and new local businesses it would create though. Heck, such an industry could even revive rural economies which haven't done all that well in recent decades.