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A depressing thread

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  • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
    I didn't learn about the Agent Orange thing being a myth from talk radio.

    Actually, I heard it from the previously mentioned geoscience teacher. Who was an officer in the Army in Vietnam, and served as a combat engineer. And came in contact with Agent Orange. And was fine.
    You heard Aeson's challenge, go drink some if it's so harmless.

    Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
    For the last time kentonio, stop quoting political sources over Agent Orange. The US government and anyone in it cannot be trusted to provide unbiased information on the topic because we have these things called "elections" that they like to win.
    Sure snooky, I'll take your word on it over a US senator, the department of veterans affairs and an army of doctors who all say this **** is poison.


    • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post

      The ONLY THINGS you've dug up so far are things from veterans' groups, US government agencies, US elected officials, and anti-war activists.

      Do you really think I'm going to waste my time reading things from people who are obligated to support one side regardless of evidence?
      Ok, this was an elaborate troll and I walked into it. Well done.


      • This thread has gone for 7 pages and nobody's pulled up any reasonable study actually linking Agent Orange to birth defects or cancer in Vietnam veterans or Vietnamese people during the Vietnam war.


        • It's ok, your last post showed you were just trolling, we can let this die now.


          • What, because I reject out of hand what VVAW has to say about people who contradict VVAW?


            • Next you'll tell me that DDT is dangerous too.


              • I think it says a lot about you that I could actually believe you were being serious about this ****.


                • What makes you think he doesn't actually believe that Agent Orange isn't dangerous?
                  If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                  ){ :|:& };:


                  • I am being serious. My favorite part is after being confronted with overwhelming evidence, or rather the fact that there is absolutely no evidence for the bull**** claim that originated with an anti-war activist named Maude DeVictor, who was NOT a scientist, you shut down and have to assume I'm trolling.


                    • Notice how reg won't even address 2-4-D at all, or it's labeling. It doesn't fit with his reality so it just doesn't exist.


                      • Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                        What makes you think he doesn't actually believe that Agent Orange isn't dangerous?
                        It was this line..

                        Originally posted by Regidiot
                        The ONLY THINGS you've dug up so far are things from veterans' groups, US government agencies, US elected officials, and anti-war activists.
                        No-one could pull that off with a straight face when his entire case is based on a self published book by a crazy man.


                        • So now demonstrate that symptoms claimed by people who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam are related to over-exposure to that ingredient. Or at least that in the concentrations with which people were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam it measurably causes those symptoms, due to that ingredient.

                          When you can do that, let me know.



                          • Originally posted by Kentonio
                            No-one could pull that off with a straight face when his entire case is based on a self published book by a crazy man.
                            What, you think I should find the spending habits of people who have to win elections and the stated beliefs of anti-war activists who need to collect donations to be of any significance?

                            It's not the book that convinced me. The book claimed that there were no studies conclusively linking Agent Orange to Agent Orange-claimed symptoms. I followed up on that and discovered that it's true. The book also described reasons to believe that the people who claim those symptoms are full of ****, such as the fact that they believed the liquid is orange when it is not. Moreover, it detailed the origin story of the myth, which had nothing to do with science and everything to do with people who enjoyed being outraged about the Vietnam War wanting to continue to be outraged about it after it ended.


                            • This reminds me of the big thalidomide scam. A bunch of layabouts looking for an easy payday.
                              "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                              "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                              • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                                Next you'll tell me that DDT is dangerous too.
                                It certainly is. The only question is at what level of exposure.

