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Are you offended by blasphemy?

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  • #16

    Several threads? You pulled out your crippled dog in the other thread, and I remarked that the thread was now officially crap--though it already was, your intervention just made it stupid on both sides. Other than that, my last recollection of talking to you was when you made a smartass comment in the polymeet thread. And before that...I think we had a perfectly civil discussion on how to pronounce "Bron-yr-aur" a couple of weeks ago. That's it.
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • #17
      I am offended by the blasphemy of polls without banana options


      • #18
        Originally posted by Elok View Post

        Several threads? You pulled out your crippled dog in the other thread, and I remarked that the thread was now officially crap--though it already was, your intervention just made it stupid on both sides. Other than that, my last recollection of talking to you was when you made a smartass comment in the polymeet thread. And before that...I think we had a perfectly civil discussion on how to pronounce "Bron-yr-aur" a couple of weeks ago. That's it.
        Exactly. Since our perfectly civil discussion (I actually can't remember the last time I wasn't civil to you - but on this example I'm assuming it would only be because I was provoked), you've told me to go **** myself in Welsh (not that I took that seriously, in fact I was flattered that you took the time to look it up ), for my 'smartass' "Fine by me..." comment in your polymeet thread (I would come if I were able - how do you know I'm not in the D.C. area then as I have friends there!?), which is a SOP response on CG if you can't make it - I can't make it BTW...

        Anyway, since then you've taken unprovoked insults about cripplefights; pincers and tentacles; and now outright calling me a troll with an addled-brain...

        All I'm saying, and I can sum it up rather aptly given the title of this thread, is "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone"

        I shall pray for your redemption, Elok...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #19
          I appended the smiley after the Welsh to show you I wasn't serious, Moby; Ecthy had already come into that thread and made goofy comments about what would work for him, and I figured you were following suit. Sorry if that was misinterpreted.

          As for the more recent thread, you called me, and the majority of my friends and acquaintances, "naive, gullible idiots." I did not start that.

          EDIT: For that matter, the majority of religious/atheist fights on here are started by the atheist faction (if you can call it that). At least, they are if you count threads started with the clear and express intention of making fun of the other side. If you count dickhead comments that jack unrelated threads, it's a bit more even. Generally the pattern there is BK/Kid saying something offensive/ludicrous/irrelevant, followed by somebody calling them on it, followed by a brief period of escalation before it turns into the usual blahblah Crusades blahblah Invisible Unicorn blahblah Dawkinswrotethisawesomebook...
          Last edited by Elok; July 17, 2012, 09:55.
          1011 1100
          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


          • #20
            Personally, I find the idea of blasphemy to be ludicrous, regardless of the subject matter. I'm a Jew by heritage, but I believe it's okay to say the Holocaust didn't happen, or to make Nazi/Hitler jokes, or to say Israel should be "wiped off the face of the Earth."

            I also think it's perfectly acceptable (and possibly even beneficial) to ridicule and make fun of current political leaders, the Fouding Fathers, the Constitution, human rights, abortion, ethnic cleansing, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, third world countries, primtive cultures, race, homosexuality, and pretty much any other sacred cow you can think of.

            Humor is a powerful tool for examining why we feel the way we feel about particular subjects, and using that tool to its fullest extent (haha) should never be considered wrong.
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