So I was doing some circuit training yesterday and my right leg literally felt like it was about to fall off at the knee!
I've had a chronic condition of what seems to be patella tendonitis for the last 6 or 7 years and suddenly over the last few weeks it's massively deteriorated, culminating with yesterday. Anyway today I've been booked in for an MRI - I have this feeling I'm gradually falling apart at the seams - I feel like an aged cripple - next stop: mobility scooter...
I've had a chronic condition of what seems to be patella tendonitis for the last 6 or 7 years and suddenly over the last few weeks it's massively deteriorated, culminating with yesterday. Anyway today I've been booked in for an MRI - I have this feeling I'm gradually falling apart at the seams - I feel like an aged cripple - next stop: mobility scooter...