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I am unsure whether to accept this job offer

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Al B. Sure! View Post
    I'm not sure there's much in the way of commercial interest there. Still if you can get traffic, Google is pretty good at figuring out what ads people will click on, and often it will be something completely different than the topic of your site. Still it's best to ask yourself, "in what way would people coming to my site be looking to spend money?" Then build your site to attract those types of visitors and offer those kinds of goods/services/ads.


    • #77
      I think he's just looking to write whatever he wants to write, and any income he makes off that, however small, is gravy.
      1011 1100
      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


      • #78
        By-the-by (and this is something I should have asked earlier) does AdSense cost you anything? Is there a charge for use of the service somehow; i.e., is this a situation that could lead to a net loss of anything but wasted time?
        1011 1100
        Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


        • #79
          No cost for Adsense. Google takes a 32% cut of the ad revenue (applied before you ever see it) to pay for the service. You do need to have a website to apply for Adsense, and it should be of sufficient quality to get accepted. (It's not a very high bar... you just need a few pages of original, readable content.) The other main requirement for Adsense is to have a "Privacy Policy" page. There are Wordpress plugins that will automatically generate the Privacy Policy page, if not you can get the text generated at a lot of sites, just search for "Privacy Policy generator". They do shut down accounts for violations of the TOS.

          I would recommend taking the time and expense to get your own domain/hosting and set up Wordpress on it. It should take an hour or two and cost $30 or less for the first year. If you want to bypass that (at least for now) you can set up a free blog on (which allows the use of Adsense and will qualify for applying to the service) or other similar sites. ( won't allow monetization.)

 has a $.99 sale on .COMs and Godaddy has $4.95 .COMs right now for instance. For hosting you can use the 50% coupon code "whts50v2" at (as per this thread:, webhostingtalk is a good forum if you're looking for other types of hosting later on too) for their basic package and pay for the whole year at once. Even though it's their smallest plan it's plenty of room for a Wordpress blog or 10 even. Later if your site really takes off (tens of thousands of visitors a day) you can transfer to better hosting.

