626,538. The astonishing number of votes Gov. Scott Walker generated in an uncompetitive GOP primary, more votes than Barrett and Falk combined and almost as many as were cast for all the candidates on the Democratic side. It’s just not normal in politics for a major incumbent with token opposition to generate turnout on a par with a heavily contested race in the other party. It was an unexpected turnout bomb, a demonstration of Walker’s greatest political asset, even greater than his considerable money advantage -- the ability to mobilize his base.
MSNBC and Ed Shultz got me thinking Scott Walker was a dead horse. Isn't that the perception everyone had from the national media? Yet in a non-contested primary, he had massive turn-out. Looks like he has the June 5th recall election in the bag.
As much as the Democrats want to keep telling us what 'the people want', the people keep speaking a different tune.