Let's summarize...
In absolute dollars, 20151 residents pay an extra $1000 on property taxes compared to 19133 residents who pay nearly THREE TIMES the tax rate!
19133 residents pay city wage tax of ~4% and sales tax of 8%; Fairfax has no city wage tax (???) and a sales tax of 5%.
19133 residents live in an area with SIX TIMES the crime rate 20151 residents experience.
Median household income in 19133 is 15% that of 20151. Fairfax residents make OVER SIX TIMES as much money.
YET, non-housing costs in Philly are HIGHER than in Fairfax...
and you're saying what now about consumption and saving?
I'm pretty sure I've just demonstrated that the advantages associated with living in a wealthy neighborhood (namely low crime exposure) are NOT paid for through taxation or anything else.
Ergo, a non-monetary, non-taxable privilege of being wealthy!
In absolute dollars, 20151 residents pay an extra $1000 on property taxes compared to 19133 residents who pay nearly THREE TIMES the tax rate!
19133 residents pay city wage tax of ~4% and sales tax of 8%; Fairfax has no city wage tax (???) and a sales tax of 5%.
19133 residents live in an area with SIX TIMES the crime rate 20151 residents experience.
Median household income in 19133 is 15% that of 20151. Fairfax residents make OVER SIX TIMES as much money.
YET, non-housing costs in Philly are HIGHER than in Fairfax...
and you're saying what now about consumption and saving?
I'm pretty sure I've just demonstrated that the advantages associated with living in a wealthy neighborhood (namely low crime exposure) are NOT paid for through taxation or anything else.
Ergo, a non-monetary, non-taxable privilege of being wealthy!