It's too bad he had to be embarrassed about this but his church sounds like your run of the mill "gays are evil" type things that conservatives have circle jerks at so I'm not really feeling too bad for him I guess.
Pretty hilarious though. God sure smiled upon him that day.
(Post originally by Ten Lubak)
Father Martin McVeigh was giving a talk to 26 parents and one 8-year-old kid when computer disaster struck. He connected his USB drive into a PC to start his Powerpoint presentation and, instead of the word of God, a hardcore gay porn slideshow started—thanks to Windows' autoplay.
Some parents—who were there to hear McVeigh talk about First Communion—were angry. Others were in shock. Just like McVeigh. He was so embarrassed that, according to witnesses, unplugged the USB drive and walked out of the room without uttering a single word.
Some parents—who were there to hear McVeigh talk about First Communion—were angry. Others were in shock. Just like McVeigh. He was so embarrassed that, according to witnesses, unplugged the USB drive and walked out of the room without uttering a single word.

Pretty hilarious though. God sure smiled upon him that day.

(Post originally by Ten Lubak)