Hi everyone. Happy new year.
Lets see what fun stuff is going on lately.
New Years Eve, the National Defense Authorization Act was signed ending the American republic. Americans Citizens can be detained without trial indefinetely or even in some cases assasinated by the military.
A FEMA/Department of Homeland Security document was uploaded on the wrong server last month that talked about in the case of an uprising, good citizens will be given special tags with chips that broadcast them as friendlies (this is already been tested and improved in Iraq and Afghanistan), if you don't have the chip i guess your SOL, as they will hunt you down.
Upcoming for January 24th the death of the internet, brought by at least 1 of three bills.
A end of the world scenario in 2012 is the least of our worries, its going to be hell on earth if we survive.
So i thought i'd throw out a hello before this site gets taken down :P then i'm going underground, radio silent.
I've got something biblical in nature cooked up hopefully for later this year.
Lets see what fun stuff is going on lately.
New Years Eve, the National Defense Authorization Act was signed ending the American republic. Americans Citizens can be detained without trial indefinetely or even in some cases assasinated by the military.
A FEMA/Department of Homeland Security document was uploaded on the wrong server last month that talked about in the case of an uprising, good citizens will be given special tags with chips that broadcast them as friendlies (this is already been tested and improved in Iraq and Afghanistan), if you don't have the chip i guess your SOL, as they will hunt you down.
Upcoming for January 24th the death of the internet, brought by at least 1 of three bills.
A end of the world scenario in 2012 is the least of our worries, its going to be hell on earth if we survive.
So i thought i'd throw out a hello before this site gets taken down :P then i'm going underground, radio silent.
I've got something biblical in nature cooked up hopefully for later this year.