Originally posted by Kidicious
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You're free to believe anything you want but it's not possible to back your words up from the Bible.
For the record, the quote from Hebrews is not written by Paul.
2nd: Acts is written by Lucas, he talks about a general agreement by all apostles.
3rd: Romans is a huge doctrinal explanation of how christianity works. Not something that only fits within one context.
Your response only could be applied to the Galatians letter which is indeed quite circumstantial and quite a mood-based letter.
But read the Romans letter, the entire chapter 7 to start with. Paul's reason for not teaching the law lies not within cultural pitty. There are very important reasons for that. Not in the last place that the law can't be used to live a holy life.
Now I'm not saying that it's black and white and there's no circumstance where you should do what you feel is right regardless of what the Bible says but personally I've never been in such a situation and I don't expect the Lord to put me in one.
2. Can you shelter jews during the holocaust? Or do you have to obey the government?
3. Can you watch movies in which the antoganists visually sin?
4. Can you eat a sandwich of cheese and meat?
5. How much do you have to give to charity? Especially if you're living in a country where the government already uses a part of your tax money to feed the needy?
Just a few ones. Don't answer them lightly but answer them from Biblical sources. And as soon as you need strong interpertation, you're in fact proving my point.