I will say this...ideas don't only "evolve", but they "devolve" as well. Both Europe and The U.S. were built by people taking personal responsibility for not only themselves, but others in their community as well. To me the European idea of "Social Justice" (which is , sadly, cathching on here) allows the individual to abdicate that personal responsibility in favor of the government. This, imho, creates a spiral where the governments will be called on to do more and more. When you balance this against cost, and peoples natural reluctance to be taxed, then you have governments taking on more fiscal responsibility than they can sustain. We are seeing this on both sides of the Atlantic to differing degrees.
To me, the Rebublican ideal is not to throw homeless people to the wolves, but rather to encourage community based solutions and encourage conditions which work to eliminate the need for social safety nets.
To me, the Rebublican ideal is not to throw homeless people to the wolves, but rather to encourage community based solutions and encourage conditions which work to eliminate the need for social safety nets.