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A Game of Thrones - TV Show Discussion Thread

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  • Oerdin is trying not to spoil stuff (which I admit deserves commendation since he does it so rarely).
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • Originally posted by Stannis Baratheon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
      **** yeah.
      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


      • Stannis totally belongs on the interwebs .

        (I still wish he was as awesome as he was in the books, but the show people seemingly aren't fond of Stannis )
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • Many of the book people think Stannis is the man and over at people call him Mannis.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • This season has done a much better job of fleshing him out and making him likable.

            Which, honestly, just can't mean good things for the future.
            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


            • Originally posted by Guynemer View Post
              This season has done a much better job of fleshing him out and making him likable.

              Which, honestly, just can't mean good things for his future.
              "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


              • I mostly root for Jon Snow especially if it involves warging into a dragon and/or getting to borlne Auntie Dany.
                Last edited by Dinner; May 12, 2015, 11:55.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • warning

                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • A girl doesn´t want to sweep the floor all day
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                    • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post

                      I get why spell check changed warging into warning but I don't understand why it changed bone into born.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny View Post
                        I have no idea if it's true to the books or not, but that whole "Oooooooo, if you want to join our super Ninja secret order you have to be refused entry and left on the doorstep for days, before being admitted to sweep the floor, and question your lack of fighty training in order to receive suitably enigmatic responses, young Grasshopper!" thing is one of the biggest cliches in popular culture of the last 50 years. If they dick up the (so far, excellent) Arya arc with that tired old tripe I will be sorely vexed.
                        I was incredibly bored of the several season long meandering road trip of Arya & the Hound. If we had a season of her sweeping floors at least it'd be something different.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • The internet has predictably exploded over Sansa's rape scene.


                          • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                            The internet has predictably exploded over Sansa's rape scene.
                            I don't understand how the internet made it past episode 1, season 1 then. Were they all in the bathroom for the Drogo raping Daenerys scene?
                            I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                            For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                            • After a good run of strong episodes, episode 6 balanced the karma by sucking big dangly donkey balls.
                              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                              • Originally posted by Bugs ****ing Bunny View Post
                                After a good run of strong episodes, episode 6 balanced the karma by sucking big dangly donkey balls.
                                Those of Ramsay Bolton?
                                (hanging 2 episodes behind ... Amazon Instant Video in Germany is currently just at episode 4)

                                (well, IMHO it will be interesting if Ramsay Bolton will be as successfully in training Sansa, as he was in training Theon Reek Greyjoy )
                                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"

