Originally posted by Nikolai
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Romans 7
8 but sin, finding occasion, wrought in me through the commandment all manner of coveting: for apart from the law sin [is] dead. 9 And I was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died; 10 and the commandment, which [was] unto life, this I found [to be] unto death: 11 for sin, finding occasion, through the commandment beguiled me, and through it slew me.
Not to mention that it's a weird way of reasoning. "We're not told to not follow it so we should at least try it".
But most important: you should not try to follow the law b/c you're supposed to be filled with the Holy Spirit and let him write God's true will in your heart. The letter kills but the spirit makes alive.
Nikolai: We are no longer under the law, but Paul states countless times that that does not mean we shouldn't follow it.
I suggest you read up on Paul's letter to the Romans, especially chapter 2(the law is written in our hearts, and our natural instinct is to follow it because it is natural, even though we don't know God).
Chapter 2 is about how everybody will be judged by the law. Even the gentiles who do not have the law. And they will be saved by the law, even if they don't know it.
It's a setup in the entire dogmatic explanation of Romans 2-8. In 2 the basement of the law as the tool for judgment is explained. Only in Romans 8 Paul explains how the christians lives, indeed: by the Spirit.
Romans chapter 3 tells us that we can't be saved by following the law, but the Bible needs to be read as a whole, and in James 2 we are told that faith without deeds are not possible, they are closely connected.
Of course. We should live by the law of love, and indeed show good deeds. But not b/c some old letters tell us, but b/c we've been renewed by the Spirit. The law can't help us to do good deeds (Romans 7). On contrary, it pushes us to sin (b/c we are evil, not b/c the law is). Compare the statement that says that you're not allowed to touch the painting, then you suddenly have an extra urge to touch it.
So the law must be abided, not for salvation in itself, but as a neccessary part of the saving faith.
Says Nikolai, but it's nowhere said in the New Testament.
Everytime the law is brought up, and it's important ongoing value, it's about the law as a basement for judgement. But those who are in Christ are judged by the law in Christ, and have gone through the judgement in Christ (Romans 7) and are now death for the law. Nowhere the law is mentioned as a tool for living a good life.
This is as such the context you need to read Romans 4 in. And last, before I go(I have an appointment), read Romans 6, especially verse 15 and onwards.
You mix up "not sinning" with "keeping the law".
Of course we should not sin. An extra reason to not keep the law, b/c the law pushes us to sin (b/c of our sinful nature).
I'm not lawless, a person who can do anything and everything he likes to do. That's not what I stand for. All I say is that we live the law of love, renewed by the spirit, to serve God in the newness of the spirit and not in the ancientness of the letter.