[q]It's been hilarious to watch the Republican wing nuts and their reaction to Libya. [q]
Which ones?
The very same people? And if so, why is that inconsistent with their support for action against Libya in the first place? Plainly enough it isn't--they may view congressional authorisation as more important.
There was the Iraq War Resolution.
I'd really like to see who it is that you think to all of these positions all at once. By the way, there are Democrats who opposed the war some or all of these grounds.
Name names. Who's claiming that?
It's very easy to make these kind of claims but when you get down to the details it's really quite questionable.
"Wing nuts"? Who, why? When? When were their positions inconsistent and why? It's really a chore to read this proclamation of yours as if it's the god's own truth without the least bit of supporting evidence, particularly because you could just name all of these "wing nuts" whose positions are inconsistent, and explain why they're inconsistent instead.
Which ones?
In March they were screaming the President wasn't taking enough action and direct military response was needed.
In May they were screaming & foaming at the mouth declaring it was unconstitutional for the President to support the NATO operation in Libya without a Congressional declaration of war
The very same people? And if so, why is that inconsistent with their support for action against Libya in the first place? Plainly enough it isn't--they may view congressional authorisation as more important.
even though Bush did the same in Iraq,
There was the Iraq War Resolution.
and now that the Rebels have taken Tripoli they declare the whole thing a waste of time
Who, and what were they claiming before the war started?
Who, and what were they claiming before the war started?
I'd really like to see who it is that you think to all of these positions all at once. By the way, there are Democrats who opposed the war some or all of these grounds.
and that Obama never had anything to do with the victory.
Name names. Who's claiming that?
It's very easy to make these kind of claims but when you get down to the details it's really quite questionable.
"Wing nuts"? Who, why? When? When were their positions inconsistent and why? It's really a chore to read this proclamation of yours as if it's the god's own truth without the least bit of supporting evidence, particularly because you could just name all of these "wing nuts" whose positions are inconsistent, and explain why they're inconsistent instead.