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Stupid Californians

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  • #46
    But remember, Fox News says white people are oppressed. Yes, my blue eyes, reddish-light brown haired ass with my light skinned Celtic complication might be ok with the major media but I am super secretly oppressed. Let's ignore that an Indian co-worker, who truth be told works harder then me (hell, I spend half my time at work on the internet), has the same job qualifications as me, doesn't get a promoption but our INDIAN boss gives me the promotion because "our clients need to be massaged and handled with people skills, as a native born American you can relate to them, "XXXXX" (the Indian fellow I work with) is just as competent as you but he speaks with an accent and I think our clients can better relate to you on a personal level". The only thing different is that I am a white American of Northern European origin who was born in the US to white-American parents (7/8th's British origin with a completely British-American name or as they say in Hollywood "All American") so let's not pretend I'm not benefiting from a bit of pro-white racism. Hell, I don't even think my Indian-American boss is racist against himself. I think he knows how the game is played and half of the time they go with a company because their employee/agent is friends with or appeals to him. He put me over his fellow Indian because he knows there is informal racism and he can financial benefit by putting a white guy as the face of the company wrt these clients. That's the hard truth. Racism is alive and well but I'm aware enough to know that as a white American I benefit from it (financially and professionally).
    Last edited by Dinner; March 8, 2011, 22:50.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #47
      He is right that I can better relate to the clients on a personal level though. I invite them out after work, we go drinking, I've twice had them over for dinner at my house (my girlfriend likes to play host), and twice the main client has hosted my girlfriend and I at their house. They recently renewed our contract so I think I'm both doing a good job and managing the interpersonal relationship. Either way though what my Indian boss (he was born and raised in India but moved to the US) was saying about having the client feel comfortable and being able to relate to you is true. That may seem self obvious, and it is, but it is also a pathway for soft racism to propagate. My Indian coworker is a smart guy, he's good at his job, but he doesn't really grasp the cultural norms of America or how to truly relate to fellow Americans. Honestly, I think my Indian boss made a good financial move even if it does slightly reinforce the white male cultural/racial advantage.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #48
        Just give up and admit reality already... you use as proof a research study that isn't measuring what you are trying to prove.

        Again, you are welcome to your smell/opinion, but the research isn't supporting what you wish it would. It does prove that many republicans have bought into the party propaganda... but not that they are racist and bigoted.
        You can keep posting all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that the research doesn't prove your point.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #49
          You argued about error bars, I completely gave you your own recollection of those error bars, and... It STILL made my case. Just stop pretending, be honest, and admit your original claim was false. In fact the loons do run the party and, in deed, the majority of them are either racists or pander to racists. It's obvious now so there is no shame in admitting the obvious.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #50
            Keep trying to change the subject... your claim that MOST republicans are racist is NOT supported by the research you "attempt" to use as proof. YOUR CLAIM is FALSE.

            The research you use to support your "smell" isn't measuring what you want it to... it's that simple. That's a FACT.

            But feel free to continuing smelling all you want. It doesn't prove your original point.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #51
              Second time, most Republican primary voters are bigots, this is born out by their self professed beliefs. Get it right. News at 11:00.

              Any way you slice it 73% constitutes MOST even if you don't like that fact.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #52
                Rah, why are you bothering to argue with this idiot? The point he is trying to make is that virtually everyone who disagrees with him is racist. What makes you think you can convince someone so thoroughly blind to opposition that he is wrong?
                If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                ){ :|:& };:


                • #53
                  I think, sometimes, even Ming & Rah look back and say "Gee, I wanted to argue that not all Republicans are terrible people" but then they see the reality that 73% of them are and they are forced to admit, to them selves even if to no one else, that they're mostly wrong.

                  Ming and Rah at least had original points (some tiny percent of Republicans aren't complete human waste) but HC? Well, he has always been a waste of space, hasn't he?
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Oerdin View Post
                    Second time, most Republican primary voters are bigots, this is born out by their self professed beliefs. Get it right. News at 11:00.

                    Any way you slice it 73% constitutes MOST even if you don't like that fact.
                    Once again, and maybe this time even you will understand the research you presented... the 73% has to do with republicans not believing or are not sure that Obama is a US citizen... And based on the research, you could say that that is a fact. Yes, idiotic and stupid... But YOU are the one "smelling" that it proves they are bigots... just your opinion, and not proven by the research.

                    News at 11...
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Hauldren Collider View Post
                      Rah, why are you bothering to argue with this idiot? The point he is trying to make is that virtually everyone who disagrees with him is racist. What makes you think you can convince someone so thoroughly blind to opposition that he is wrong?
                      Hmm I haven't even posted in this thread until now.

                      There is truth in what they both say. Believing the party line that Obama is not a citizen doesn't make you a bigot, it just makes you stupid. There's plenty of stupidity in the US these days. And while I partially agree with Oerdin that the repug party has taken a turn for the worse I don't think it's as bad as he pictures it. If it was, there would have been someone not as moderate as McCain in the last election. In the suburbs around Chicago, where Ming and I live, the Repugs are the majority. It's mostly high educated moderate Repugs that are not as bigoted as Oerdin thinks. And we take it as an insult so Yes, we will try to defend it. I have posted in many threads that I'm worried about the extremists in the party and the amount of influence they've acquired. I've even stated that I'm sometimes embarrassed to call myself a repug, but I haven't given up on them yet, and do everything I can to support the more moderate part of the party. The claim that 73% of repugs are terrible people is quite laughable and absurd.
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

