I've offhandedly mentioned some internal conflict with my path to God (and probably Christianity) but I feel I need to talk to people about this. In RL this is a bit hard since serious and consitent theists are hard to find, Slovenia is a land of lapsed and Sunday only Chatolics as well as a sample of nominal Lutherans.
I'll try to list a few of the issues and thoughts succinctly. First off I'm not sure I can excuse transhumanist tampering, secondly I can't really support naked calsissm based on principal, also I've recently come to the tentative conclusion that I really can't act on prior probabilities based on stats like race, education, visual apparance, capabiltiy ect. Another stumbling block is internalising the dislike of homosexuality as a sin, which I have never had a problem with, even when I went full atheists paleocon right wing it felt odd to use a few pragmatic stat based arguments like a higher rate STDs incidence or stuff like that to rain on their parade when objectively speaking the right and religion are a OK with many many things that suck much more on pragmatic grounds.
I've also struggled with temptation, and a constant doubt because of the fact that I engaged in premarital sex quite often, which in a serious reading again despite all my intuitionist seems wrong. I've uneasily (hedonism in this regard was quite a vice of mine) decided when I started this to go for celibacy for now since I can't square it any other way but marriage still seems like madness until divorce laws become less man hating or until I find a deeply religious woman who would never consider demanding divorce (the odds going into marriage are statistically speaking quite poor).
Summary of things I have trouble really accepting or living (at least for now):
-no more fornication
-homosexuality sinful
-can't be "racist" or "classist" (can still be somewhat sexists in the traditional sense
-transhumanism (genetic engineering, transhuman eugenics (beyond preservation) and creating God-like AIs is a no no
-actually loving one's enemies
I'll try to list a few of the issues and thoughts succinctly. First off I'm not sure I can excuse transhumanist tampering, secondly I can't really support naked calsissm based on principal, also I've recently come to the tentative conclusion that I really can't act on prior probabilities based on stats like race, education, visual apparance, capabiltiy ect. Another stumbling block is internalising the dislike of homosexuality as a sin, which I have never had a problem with, even when I went full atheists paleocon right wing it felt odd to use a few pragmatic stat based arguments like a higher rate STDs incidence or stuff like that to rain on their parade when objectively speaking the right and religion are a OK with many many things that suck much more on pragmatic grounds.
I've also struggled with temptation, and a constant doubt because of the fact that I engaged in premarital sex quite often, which in a serious reading again despite all my intuitionist seems wrong. I've uneasily (hedonism in this regard was quite a vice of mine) decided when I started this to go for celibacy for now since I can't square it any other way but marriage still seems like madness until divorce laws become less man hating or until I find a deeply religious woman who would never consider demanding divorce (the odds going into marriage are statistically speaking quite poor).
Summary of things I have trouble really accepting or living (at least for now):
-no more fornication
-homosexuality sinful
-can't be "racist" or "classist" (can still be somewhat sexists in the traditional sense

-transhumanism (genetic engineering, transhuman eugenics (beyond preservation) and creating God-like AIs is a no no

-actually loving one's enemies