Nearly a $500 billion surplus in 2030, *****es, and it wasn't even hard to get there...
Domestic Programs and Foreign Aid
Eliminate earmarks
Eliminate farm subsidies
Cut pay of civilian federal workers by 5 percent
Reduce the federal workforce by 10 percent
Cut 250,000 government contractors
Other cuts to the federal government
Cut aid to states by 5 percent
Reduce nuclear arsenal and space spending
Reduce military to pre-Iraq War size and further reduce troops in Asia and Europe
Reduce noncombat military compensation and overhead
Reduce the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to 30,000 by 2013
Health Care
Enact medical malpractice reform
Increase the Medicare eligibility age to 70
Reduce the tax break for employer-provided health insurance
Social Security
Raise the Social Security retirement age to 70
Reduce Social Security benefits for those with high incomes
Tighten eligibility for disability
Use an alternate measure of inflation
Existing taxes
Payroll tax: Subject some incomes above $106,000 to tax
New taxes and tax reform
Eliminate loopholes, reduce rates (Bowles-Simpson plan)
Reduce mortgage-interest deduction by converting to credit
National sales tax
Carbon tax
38% Savings from tax increases
62% Savings from spending cuts
Eliminate earmarks
Eliminate farm subsidies
Cut pay of civilian federal workers by 5 percent
Reduce the federal workforce by 10 percent
Cut 250,000 government contractors
Other cuts to the federal government
Cut aid to states by 5 percent
Reduce nuclear arsenal and space spending
Reduce military to pre-Iraq War size and further reduce troops in Asia and Europe
Reduce noncombat military compensation and overhead
Reduce the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to 30,000 by 2013
Health Care
Enact medical malpractice reform
Increase the Medicare eligibility age to 70
Reduce the tax break for employer-provided health insurance
Social Security
Raise the Social Security retirement age to 70
Reduce Social Security benefits for those with high incomes
Tighten eligibility for disability
Use an alternate measure of inflation
Existing taxes
Payroll tax: Subject some incomes above $106,000 to tax
New taxes and tax reform
Eliminate loopholes, reduce rates (Bowles-Simpson plan)
Reduce mortgage-interest deduction by converting to credit
National sales tax
Carbon tax
38% Savings from tax increases
62% Savings from spending cuts