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  • #31
    Felch, have you considered the Tea Party?
    1011 1100
    Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


    • #32
      Originally posted by C0ckney View Post
      the thing that shocked me about the last ireland thread was the sheer level of ignorance about the situation there on display from our american cousins.
      The situation there sounds kind of depressing. Is it okay if I remain ignorant about it, provided I don't express any opinion?
      1011 1100
      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


      • #33
        Elok, I used to actually be involved with the Campaign for Liberty, which is a Ron Paulist group. I went to a few meetings with middle aged old white guys. They were all talking about getting petitions, and doing rallies in Rockville, and attending county council meetings and asking embarrassing questions of the local politicians. I tried to gently mock them by pointing out how well tactics like this worked at ending the Vietnam and Iraq wars. Dude was like, "No, the protesters actually didn't end the Vietnam war. That's just a media myth."

        NO ****ING ****!

        I suggested running for local office. My logic is simple. Nobody knows who their members of the county council or state representatives are (hell most people don't know who their Senators and Congressmen are). So all you have to do is get on the ballot, get a little word of mouth out through your friends, and pray that enough people just flip and coin and vote for you by random chance. Spam out a couple dozen candidates, and you might manage to get some friends in high places. They didn't like that idea because they thought it would never work.

        **** the Tea Party. They're soft and unimaginative. Not a single one of them would ever board a ship of the BEIC and do some good old fashioned destruction. I want real revolution. Otherwise my investments in small arms will be a giant waste.
        John Brown did nothing wrong.


        • #34
          The thing about the tea party is, they're sort of a "big tent." It consists of basically everyone who dislikes Obama and doesn't have actual work to do (yes, I don't have actual work either ATM, but I'm indifferent towards the present administration). While it has a lot of boring fiscal-libertarian types, it also contains Palin's theocrats, border-militia types, birthers, and a bunch of gun nuts (with considerable overlap between those types). Also a few racist ****wits. They're pretty much a hard-right Wal-Mart, you'll find any kind of angry you want there if you just look hard enough.

          As an alternative, you could try going to New Hampshire. My wife tells me the state is largely populated by people who sit on their front porches stroking firearms and talking to themselves. This is secondhand information, of course, but it's worth a shot.
          1011 1100
          Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel

